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będę teraz w 3 klasie LO i myślę poważnie o studiowaniu angielskiego z niemieckim (lingwistyka stosowana). Interesują mnie uniwersytety albo college w Anglii. Niestety nie wiem jakie są wymagania na tamte uczelnie (słyszałam że trzeba mieć zdane CAE i TOEFL), nie wiem także, czy brana jest pod uwagę nowa matura i jakie przedmioty?? Nie jestem także pewna jeśli chodzi o stypendia. Podobno trzeba ubiegać się o nie prawie rok przed podjęciem studów. Jeśli ktoś wie więcej na ten temat, proszę pilnie o kontakt.
mój numer [gg]
Hey :)

You're right it's required to apply for studies as soon as possible so that they say a year before would be the best. However, it's written that an entry process ends usually on the 15th January (unless u wanna study medicine etc. cos then u gotta apply sooner) Anyways, u have to take an exam: at least CAE but better would be IELTS. Most of the unis require it. What's more u gotta pass ur finals (matura exmas) quite good (75% at least). Everything depends on you :)

Look at the following steps:

1. find out everything about the unis that u r interested in.
2. choose the best courses that u like.
3. Register at and start ur application process.
4. Be patient :)

Good luck :)
a tak z czystej ciekawości, why do u write in english martine? :D:D
I just like it :)
Do you study at the university in England, Martine?
Hi Visitor,

I don't study at english university yet but I'm gonna to study soon(sept 2006) that's why I'm goin' to England in december for open days to look around and find out sth more about living there. What about you? Do you plan to study over there? I'm looking for polish people who are interested in studying there, I do fancy to chat to anyone who takes it seriously. If you do fancy we can chat someday. Just let me know when and where (maybe skype?)

Take care,

I would like to contact you to discuss about studies in UK.
I'm very interested in it!
However I do not know where to start.
I'm not in age of every stuent, but I think I'd like to try, not now, but for now just to gather some helpful informations.
Could you write me?
Maybe on yahoo messenger? aniaacolgate
I'll be waiting :)
What a nice chat you are having down here :) If you are so eager to speak English why don't you also visit (or is it Anyway, good luck with the application process. For those who don't know where to start, you should pay a closer attention to this forum! There are plenty of threads with the information u need!
I have juts given my application to ucas.Im going to study medicine either in aberdeen or in galsgow im especally interested in lond do i have to wait for the answer from ucas?_?;D if sb interested my gg ny,mber 2095363
I suggest studying at some scotish univ. free of charge .... ;]
Hi! I`d like to have a chat with You about studying in UK,could U give me your gg or skype numbers??
That applies especialy to Martine 67;)

Jesli interesowały by Ci studia w Wolverhampton to zapraszam na strone
Warunki przyjecia na te studia to matura rozszerzona z 2 przedmiotow na poziomie 60 % + matura rozszerzona z angielskiego na poziomie 65 % - to wszystko + wypełniony wniosek ktory otrzymasz w CONVERSIE ( Torun) mozesz napisac do nich maila na [email] - udziela Ci wszystkich potrzebnych informacji.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.