Cześć! Jesteśmy w UE, czyż nie? A jednak chyba nie takie to proste, albo nie wiem o co chodzi. Na stronach jednego z uniwersytetów w Irlandii można przeczytać, że opłaty za studia są zróżnicowane ze względu na to, czy jesteśmy z kraku Uni, czy też nie. Ale nawet jak jesteśmy z Unii, to nie znaczy, że płacimy czesne takie samo jak Irlandczycy, chyba, że źle zrozumiałam, przytoczę:
An EU application is one made by a person:
who is ordinarily resident in the EU and who will have received full-time post primary education in the EU for three of the five years immediately preceding admission OR
who is ordinarily resident in the EU and has worked full-time in the EU for three years of the five years immediately preceding admission OR
who holds a passport from an EU State and has received full-time education in the EU for three of the five years immediately preceding admission OR
who has been granted humanitarian leave to remain in the State and has been resident in the EU for three of the five years immediately preceding admission.
If an applicant is under 23 years of age on the start date of the course then the principal residence for the purpose of taxation of the parents will be examined.
If an applicant is over 23 years of age on the start date of the course then the principal residence for the purpose of taxation of the applicant will be examined.
No i co, mój angielski nie jest najlepszy, więc może jednak się łapiemy jako UE?