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Motivation letter

To whom it may concer,
I have pleasure in applying for a place at your university. I have chosen to take part in this programme because I am sure it will be developing and unforgettable time for me. The purpose of this letter is not only to describe my educational background, but also to focus your attention on how motivated I am to start studying in Denmark.
I was gradutaed from Liceum i Gimnazjum im. Polskiej Macierzy Szkolnej w Mińsku Mazowieckim in April 2014. I was learning for three years in class which had extend level of mathematics and phisics lessons. After passed matura exam I decided to start studying Environamental Engineering in Warsaw University of Life Sciences.
It is very interesting course but I realized it is not what I want to do in my life. I have lots of knowledge now inter alia abut geology, geodesy, chemistry or descriptive geometry and who knows maybe it will be helpful in my future life.
Since August 2013 i have been working in Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. It is the biggest provider of digital television in Poland. It is a part time job due to a full time studies. I work as an individual client advisor. This job learned me a lot. Firstly, I know how big companies works . Without commitment and willingness of each employee success won't be possible. What is more I have learned to work as a part of a team but also as an individual. Finally the most improtant advantage of this work is that it learns self-confidence. Constant contact with unknow people helps to become more open.
I am open-minded person. I realize that it is very important to objectively evaluate every situation and to be willing to consider new ideas without prejudice. My strengths are also ambition and diligence . I always give my all to achieve a success and my own satisfaction. Talkative and communicative skills help me to gain new connections. I like spend time with people. I am rather sociable person. What I can say more I am curious about the world. Not only I am fascinated by beautiful places around the world but also amezes me cultural diversity occuring on Earth.
Bussiness is a topic close to me. My mother leads her own firme so I acquired basic knoledge about this type of work. She inspired me that it can be hard but also fascinating and fulfilling job. I would like to develope my carieer into intarnational scale and I think your university will be a perfect start to achevie it.
I live in Poland so studying in your university is not only a chance for me to get an education but also to see how to live in diffrent place in the world or learn a new language. It is amazing chance to meet new friends from around the world. I was in Denmark two times on vacation. It is for me very beutiful country and I would be very happy to have a chance to stay there for a longer time.
I am confident that overall opportunity to study in Denmark will broaden my horizons and give me an opportunity to gain world class education and help me become an excellent world citizen.
Riding a horse is my favourite hobby. I love these weekends when I can left everything behind me and simply enjoy the moment. It is time for me to relax and detached from reality.
Thank you for your time and considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,
Kinga Duszczyk
Jeśli chcesz, żeby ktokolwiek Cię poważnie potraktował zacznij od zlikwidowania literówek, gdyż robi to bardzo niekorzystne wrażenie i sprawia, że odechciewa się czytać i sprawdzać cały tekst.
edytowany przez kasia_96: 22 lut 2015
Pomijajac bledy gramatyczne, skladniowe itd. nie sadzisz ze powinnas napisac wiecej o tym czemu chcesz studiowac dany kierunek? co cie w tym przedmiocie fascynuje? nawet nie napisalas co dokladnie chcesz studiowac.

mysle ze powinnas poprosic kogos kto lepiej zna jezyk angielski o pomoc w napisaniu tego listu od poczatku, bo poprawienie wszystkich bledow zajmie chyba wiecej czasu :)


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