Study Cultural Diplomacy in Europe

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Dear Friends!
Academy for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, Germany, is happy to draw your attention to our new academic programs held in English.

Our partner universities are:

Furtwangen University, Germany;
University of Siena, Italy;
University of Nicosia, Cyprus;
University of Bucharest, Romania.

We offer degree programs in Cultural Diplomacy & International Relations; International Economics and Business; Global Governance; European and Euro-Mediterranean Studies, and Creative Industries.

Programs’ Next Start: Fall Semester 2015: October 1st, 2015;
Winter Semester 2016: February 8th, 2016.

We also offer Professional Development and E-learning programs with a focus on Cultural Diplomacy.
Looking forward to seeing you in Berlin!

Phone: 0049 (0)3[tel]
Fax: 0049 (0)3[tel]
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