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dziekuje za odpowiedz.
Zaczne od Maintenance Grant. Wczoraj zadzwonilam do Surrey Council i poprosilam o application form. Mam dostac w krotce list z papierami.
DLA zainteresowanych wklejam inf. o grancie na ten i nastepny rok:
'' Maintenance grant for 2[tel]and 2[tel]starters
There is a new grant of up to £2,765 for students starting courses in 2006/2007 and 2[tel]. It is available as an income assessed, basis.
If household income is £17,910 or less then the student will be eligible for the full grant. Entitlement reduces as income rises up to £38330 when £50 is payable. No grant is payable at higher incomes. Between £17,991 and £27,120, grant is reduced by £1 for every complete £6 and between £27,121 and £38,330 the grant reduction is £1 for every complete £9.50. Students attending a full-time PGCE course will be eligible for the first £1,230 of this grant on a non-income assessed basis.
Entitlement to grant will reduce entitlement to maintenance loan by up to £1,230. For example, if grant entitlement is assessed at £700 then loan entitlement is reduced by £700. If grant is assessed at £1,500, loan entitlement is reduced by the maximum £1,230.
Students who have a confirmed entitlement to Income Support or Housing Benefits, while they are studying are entitled to apply for a Special Support Grant of up to £2,765 instead of the maintenance grant described above. The assessment scale is the same, but there is no reduction in maintenance loan entitlement of up to £1,230 with this grant.
At public sector Universities and Colleges students eligible for the full £2,765 grant and charged more than a £2,765 tuition fee are eligible for a non-income assessed bursary from the institution to cover the fee in excess of £2,765.
For gap year students in 2005/2006 who started a course in 2006/2007 and students attending 'End-on' courses, the arrangements for old system students apply and an income-assessed Higher Education Grant of up to £1,000 may be payable in place of the £2,765 grant. ''
Jesli chodzi o Cambridge, to wyglada to roznie.. Na jednej website jest napisane tak:
''The ideal applicant?
There is no single ideal applicant, nor are there special requirements for this course. GCE A level History of Art is useful but by no means essential. We are looking for students with general intellectual interests, some knowledge – and love – of the History of Art and, if possible, a reading ability in one or two foreign languages. Intelligence, motivation and visual sensitivity are essential.''
A na innej www, ze potrzebuje 3 A Levels. Dzwoinila na Uni, ale zawsze wlaczala sie sekretark. Zostawialm wiadomosci i tel, ale nie oddzwonili.
Wiem, ze AS level nie jest to pelen A level, ale licze ze wolontariat w the B.Mus., nowe slownictwo, lektury przygotuja mnie na studia. Bardzo kocham sztuke i wiem, ze jak mi zalezy, to pomysly same przychodza do glowy jak zrealizowac marzenia : )
Z tym loanem, to jednak jeszcze sie wstrzymam.