Hej. ja nie studiuje, ale interesuje sie tematem. Z tego co wiem, mozesz dostac pozyczke na studia (ktore przewaznie kosztuja ok £3200 rocznie) i splacasz ja dopiero gdy skonczysz studia i zarabiasz ponad £15,000 rocznie. W ogole poczytaj sobie, tu znajdziesz duzo cennych informacji:
Wydaje mi sie, ze mozna dostac jeszcze niezle granty, ale trzeba byc w Anglii chyba ok 3 lat. Jak na stronie Oxford uni:
If you come from any EU country, you will normally be eligible for a loan to cover your tuition fees. You should contact the Student Loans Company's EU Customer Services team by email or look at the Directgov website.
Additionally, if you have been resident in the UK for three years or more before the start date of your proposed course, you may also be eligible for a loan for maintenance and a Maintenance Grant. Further information is available on the DfES website. Applications for grants or maintenance loans must be submitted to the LA in the area where you live. EU students who qualify for government student support (in addition to the tuition fee loan) will also be eligible for an Oxford Opportunity Bursary subject to assessment of their household income.
z praca to nie wiem, ale jak studiujesz full-time, to chyba nie ma za bardzo czasu na prace? takze duzo kasy sie nie wyciagnie... oczywiscie sa programy part-time ale chyba nie ma zbyt wielkiego wyboru. chociaz, znam kobitke w pracy co ma 40 lat a jej chlopak ma 39 i nie dosc ze pracuje na noce to w dzien studiuje na Birmingham uni :OOO wiec... impossible is nothing. :P