Australia 2006 - ktos się wybiera??

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Jak w temacie:)
Szukam osób które planuja podróz do Kangurolandii:D, cel - nauka i praca:)
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Czekam na ewentualne zgłoszenia :PPPP

Ja jade 22 OCT do 23 NOV 2005:) do Perth... w sumie to wielki kontynent i kraj wiec przez miesiac zobacze tylko Western Australia, na poczatek... Lece do Perth przez Heathrow i Kuala Lumpur... Liniami Malaysian Airline, ale jeszcze nie A320 bo Airbus zacznie latac od stycznia 2006:( ten wielopokladowy i wielopoziomowy samolot gigant:) No mysle ze bedzie fajnie... Zwlaszcza ze to moja podroz przedslubna z moja narzeczona:) a Australia i Nowa Zelandia jest tak piekna i dzika ze sie w glowie nie miesci:)
Zwlaszcza sni mi sie po nocach 12 Apostoles oraz mistyczna Ayers Rock:) i ten czerwony piach stopiony sloncem:)

kolejnego Apostoła ze słynnej formacji skalnej "12 Apostołów" ocean pochłonął!!!. Ci którzy dotąd nie widzieli tego cuda powinni sie pospieszyc, albowiem tylko ośmiu pozostało na straży.

Apostle crumbles into the sea
July 03, 2005
From: AAP

ANOTHER of the famous Twelve Apostles limestone structures off Victoria's coast has collapsed, leaving only eight still standing.
One of the giant structures off the Great Ocean Road coastline was claimed by the ocean about 9am today, Parks Victoria spokesman Alex Green said.

"If you're standing on the boardwalk on the clifftop (looking out) at The Apostles, it's the second apostle (on the left)," he said.

"It was one of the major components of the scene."

Mr Green said the remaining rubble was sticking out of the water, which was filthy with dirt and debris from the collapse.

But he believed the structure's demise would not detract from the site's popularity - and could even have a positive effect on visitor numbers.

"We had a similar incident with 'London bridge' about 10 years ago and that story in itself has become quite a part of visiting the region," Mr Green said.

"It's a good opportunity for before and after photos and will generate a lot of discussion about the natural processes along this coastline and how it's always changing."

Kerry Deyell, who works at Port Campbell's visitor information centre, said she had spent most of the past summer looking at the landmarks.

"It looks completely different as it's changed the whole line-up. It's quite bizarre," she said.

"It's one of the iconic, top heavy shaped ones. It almost looks like it didn't fall very far but crumbled because it's not a block of rock, it's a mound of rubble."