Profil użytkownika Gutek2211 - wpisy na forum

Last friday I was with my family at home, around 7 am I wanted to meet my girlfriend but she told me, she is busy today and we couldn’t meet. Thats why I wrote to-do list for today, first of all, bre…
I cant do this by myself Ja bym zgubił jedno słowo. picking a kid from a kindergarten it is not a big deal, Tu też Które bo nie rozumiem?…
Phone is ringing... Hello damian on the phone, Hey damian it’s me kasia, how are you? I’m fine and you? Im ok Then, Why are you calling me? Because I have a request to you Ok, I am listening I am work…
'something around/about + wyrazenia z uzyciem liczebnika' jest 100% poprawne Tez tak myslalem. Dzieki!…
Dziekuje Ci bardzo za sprawdzenie :)…
Hello my name is Damian. I usually wake up at 5 o clock, i turn out the alarm and go to the bathroom. In the bathroom i take a shower and wash my teeth, i have a friend, he is never washes hes teeth …