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The aim of this thesis was the modelling of heat flow processes in building and the designing of control systems for heat dynamics of buildings for chosen models.
In first part of thesis describes an introduction to mathematical modeling and theoretical basis of thermo-kinetic systems. Models available in the literature often describe phenomenons too much detail, making them difficult to generalize and too complex which prevents their use in reasearches and simulations. Ability to create simple models take into account the relevant property data research is very useful in the simulation control systems.
In this paper, as the object of the regulation adopted room (dimensions 5 meters x 5 meters x 3 meters), which requires heating due to weather conditions. The mathematical models compared three ways of heating rooms: electric heating, central heating and air conditioning, taking into account the impact of disruption such as outside temperaturę simulated as variable or constant, the heat sources inside the room and sunlight It is assumed that the control signal for mathematical models with electric heater is power of a heater, for central heating is the temperature of the feedwater and for air conditioning is temperature supplied air.
The study concluded the mathematical models of the room created on the basis of heat balance taking into account such properties as the heat capacity of the walls and ceiling, the heat capacity of the heaters and the cooling water flowing through the central heating radiator. On the basis of literature chosen appropriate parameters to best reflect simulation of the real object. The models are presented in form of Laplace transform.
On the basis of the impulse response models confirmed their stability. In addition, the study concluded step response for obtained models, designed temperature controls, tests for control systems and calculated indicators of the quality of regulation.
Setting controls selected on the basis of second method of Ziegler-Nichols, and then modified them on the basis of tests and achieved the expected indicators of the quality of regulation. It was observed that the control system for all models operate in accordance with the assumptions (regulation time < 5 h and overshoot < 20%) with regulator of PI algorithm.
Simulations carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment. There modeled three control systems for each heating system separately, in order to compare their actions. Studies have shown that taking into account the heat capacity of the wall significantly affects the time for obtaining the stable (determined) control signal. Taking into account heat capacity of the heaters and cooling water in the central heating heater does not significantly affect the modeled object. It is possible that the accepted values for the radiator does not have reflected the best simulation of them. On the basis of the indicators of the quality of regulation, it was found that models with electric heater and air-conditioning have a significantly shorter regulation time to adjust when changing the setpoint.
The analysis of the results showed a big impact taken into account thermal storage, the values of which heat capacities are close to the thermal capacity of the air in the room. Control systems exhibit different behavior object depending on the heating system in the building, but indicators of regulatory quality are within the accepted limits. The models do not fully reflect the behavior of the object and are only its approximation, but it should be remembered that the obtained models set the parameters on the basis of macroscopic principles of conservation of energy (heat balance), as well as simplified models of phenomena, eg. profits from solar thermal power.
The aim of this thesis was the modelling of heat flow processes in 'building' (tutaj wypada napisac jaki to byl building) and the designing of control systems for heat dynamics of buildings for (brak przedimka) chosen models.
Models available in the literature often describe phenomenons (tu brakuje slowa) too much detail, making them difficult to generalize and FAR too complex which prevents their use in reasearches and simulations. (brak przedimka) ability to create simple models takING into account the relevant property data research is very useful in the simulation control systems.
In this paper, as the object of the regulation adopted room (dimensions wypada napisac ze to height x width...) 5 meters x 5 meters x 3 meters W BrE piszemy 'metres'), which requires heating due to (tutaj trzeba napisac jakie..tzn inclement) weather conditions. The mathematical models compared (dalabym tutaj przedimek) three ways of heating rooms: electric heating, central heating and air conditioning, taking into account the impact of disruption such as outside temperature simulated as variable or constant, the heat sources inside the room and sunlight. It is assumed that the control signal for mathematical models with electric heater is (przedimek) power of a heater, for central heating IT is the temperature of the feedwater and for air conditioning IT is temperature OF supplied air.
The study concluded'' (cos tu nie tak z calym zdaniem) the mathematical models of the room created on the basis of heat balance taking into account such properties as the heat capacity of the walls and ceiling, the heat capacity of the heaters and the cooling water flowing through the central heating radiator. On the basis of literature THE chosen 'appropriate'(daj inne slowo) parameters to best reflect THE simulation of the real object. The models are presented in form of (chyba tu przedimek 'a') Laplace transform.
On the basis of the impulse response THE models confirmed their stability. In addition, the study concluded A step response for obtained models, designed temperature controls, tests for control systems and calculated indicators of the quality of regulation.
(tutaj brakuje poczatku zdania, za bardzo myslisz po polsku) setting controls selected on the basis of second method of Ziegler-Nichols, 'and' (niepotr) then modified 'them' (niepotr) on the basis of tests and achieved the expected indicators of the quality of regulation. It was observed that the control system for all models operateS (control system operates) in accordance with the assumptions (regulation time < 5 h and overshoot < 20%) with regulator of PI algorithm.
Simulations WERE carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment. ''There modeled three control systems' (cos tu nie tak z calym zdaniem) for each heating system separately, in order to compare their actions. Studies have shown that taking into account the heat capacity of the wall THIS significantly affects the time for obtaining the stable (determined) control signal. Taking into account THE heat capacity of the heaters and cooling water in the central heating heater does not significantly affect the modeled object. It is possible that the accepted values for the radiator 'does not have reflected' (tego nie rozumiem) the best simulation. 'of them' (wg mnie niepotrz).
The analysis of the results showed a 'big' (juz pisalam o tym 'big..w powaznych pismach NIGDY nie uzywamy tego slowa, jest 'tremendous' ) impact taken into account thermal storage, the values of which heat capacities are close to the thermal capacity of the air in the room. (ja tu dalabym THE) control systems exhibit different behavior object depending on the heating system in the building, but indicators of regulatory quality are within the accepted limits.
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Modelling heat transfer processes for designing control systems in buildings
The aim of this thesis was the modelling of heat flow processes in buildings and the designing of control systems for heat dynamics of buildings for the chosen models.
In first part of thesis describes an introduction to mathematical modeling and theoretical basis of thermo-kinetic systems. Models available in the literature often describe physical phenomenons too much detail, making them difficult to generalize and far too complex which prevents their use in researches and simulations. The ability to create simple models taking into account the relevant property in conducted researches is very useful in the simulation control systems.
In this paper, as the object of the regulation adopted room which requires heating due to (PANUJĄCYCH) weather conditions. The mathematical models compared the three ways of heating rooms: electric heating, central heating and air conditioning, taking into account the impact of disruption such as outside temperature simulated as variable or constant, the heat sources inside the room and sunlight. It is assumed that the control signal for mathematical models with electric heater is a power of a heater, for central heating it is the temperature of the feedwater and for air conditioning it is temperature of supplied air.
The study concluded the mathematical models of the room created on the basis of heat balance taking into account such properties as the heat capacity of the walls and ceiling, the capacity of the heaters and the cooling water flowing through the central heating heater. (CO NIE TAK Z TYM ZDANIEM?)
On the basis of literature the chosen parameters to best reflect the simulation of the real object. The models are presented in form of a Laplace transform. On the basis of the impulse response the models confirmed their stability. In addition, the study concluded the step responses for obtained models, designed temperature controls, tests for control systems and calculated indicators of the quality of regulation.
Then, on the basis the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method selected a value of PID actions then modified on the basis (CO TUTAJ ZAMIAST POWTÓRZENIA ON THE BASIS) of tests and achieved the expected indicators of the quality of regulation. It was observed that the control system operates for all models in accordance with the assumptions (regulation time < 5 h and overshoot < 20%) with regulator of PI algorithm. Simulations were carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment. In Simulink modeled three control systems for each heating system separately in order to compare their work.
Studies have shown that taking into account the heat capacity of the wall this significantly affects the time for obtaining the stable (STABLE CZY DETERMINED – chodzi o sygnał ustalony) control signal. Taking into account the heat capacity of the heaters and cooling water in the central heating heater does not significantly affect the modeled object. It is possible that the accepted values (PRZYJĘTE WARTOŚCI – CO ZAMIAST ACCEPTED) for the heaters does not have reflected real object (ZBYT DOBRZE). The analysis of the results showed a tremendous impact taken into account thermal storage, the values of which heat capacities are close to a thermal capacity of the air in the room. The control systems exhibit different behawior the object depending on the heating system in the building, but the indicators of the quality of regulation. are within the accepted limits. The models do not fully reflect the behavior of the object and are only its approximation, but it should be remembered that the obtained models set the parameters on the basis of macroscopic principles of conservation of energy (heat balance), as well as simplified models of phenomenons, eg. profits from solar thermal power.
The aim of this thesis was the modelling of heat flow processes in buildings and the designing of control systems for heat dynamics of buildings 'for' (to slowo mi sie tutaj nie podoba, lepiej bedzie uzyc USING) the chosen models.
Models available in the literature often describe physical phenomenons (napisalam ze tu brakuje slowa IN) too much detail, making them difficult to generalize and far too complex which prevents their use in researches and simulations.
In this paper, as the object of the regulation WAS AN adopted room which requires heating due to (PANUJĄCYCH) (panujacych - existing) weather conditions.
It is assumed that the control signal for mathematical models with electric heater is a power of 'a' (tutaj lepiej daj THE) heater, for central heating it is the temperature of the feedwater and for air conditioning it is THE temperature of supplied air.
The study 'concluded' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo, i przez to cale zdanie nie jest zrozumiale - tutaj trzeba ASSESSED) the mathematical models of the room created on the basis of heat balance taking into account such properties as the heat capacity of the walls and ceiling, the capacity of the heaters and the cooling water flowing through the central heating heater.
...On the basis of literature the chosen parameters to best reflect the simulation of the real object. ....
To nie jest zrozumialym zdaniem, co ty robisz z tym?)
In addition, the study 'concluded' (zle slowo, tutaj moze 'verified' albo cos podobnego, przez to slowo zdanie jest nie zrozumiale) the step responses for obtained models, designed temperature controls, tests for control systems and calculated indicators of the quality of regulation.
'Then' (w pismie, nie uzywamy sloa 'then' bo to nie jest fabula typu (Fifty shades of Grey..then he..then he...then...then), On the basis the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method (kto? co? cos tutaj brak) selected a value of PID actions 'then' (znowu to 'then...nie uzywaj tego w powaznych tekstach....wg mnie zrob to zdanie biernie....A value was selected on the basis of....which was (appropriately, slightly, greatly - musisz napisac cos) modified BASED on the 'basis' (nie, tu masz zle slowo, chyba masz na mysli 'results') of tests 'and' (nie, daj inne slowo) achieved the expected indicators of the quality of regulation.
Simulations were carried out in THE Matlab/Simulink environment. In Simulink 'modeled three control systems' (daj to bierneie...the three control systems were modelled) for each heating system separately in order to compare their 'work' (nie daj tutaj work, ale moze 'output capacity/efficiency - cos takiego).
Studies have shown that taking into account the heat capacity of the wall this significantly affects the time for obtaining the stable (stable -ok) control signal. Taking into account the heat capacity of the heaters and cooling water in the central heating 'heater' (heating heater - cos to nie wyglada dobrze, lepiej heating element/operations - cos takiego) THIS does not significantly affect the modeled object. It is possible that the accepted values przyjete - tez sie zastanowilam, ale moze usual, jak nie to zostaw 'accepted') for the heaters does not have reflected real object (zbyt dobrze - jak to znaczy, ze 'mniej jak dobrze', to 'less than slightly well). The analysis of the results showed a tremendous impact takING into account THE thermal storage, the values of which heat capacities are close to a thermal capacity of the air in the room. The control systems exhibit different 'behawior' (behaviour in BrE - behav...nawet nie wiem jak in AmE) the object depending on the heating system in the building, but the indicators of the quality of regulation are WELL within the accepted limits. The models do not fully reflect the behavior of the object and are only its approximation, but it should be 'remembered' (ja tutaj dalabym 'considered') that the obtained models set the parameters on the basis of macroscopic principles of conservation of THE energy (heat balance), as well as simplified models of phenomenons, eg. profits from solar thermal power.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Studia językowe