How will transport change in the future?

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SPEECH wypisz zalety/wady dwóch wybranych środków transportów. Napisz jak twoim zdaniem transport zmieni się w przyszłości.

1. Traveling by plane
A lot of people choose traveling by plane to reach their destination. It is because traveling by plane is the fastest means of transport. People can reach their destination points in a very short time. People prefer to travel by plane because it is comfortable, they can just sit and enjoy their flight, admire their views out of the windows – providing that they have a window seat.

On the other hand, traveling by plane is expensive and not everyone can afford it. What is more, a plane is at risk of hijacking. Airport security is tight but there is always a possibility of hijacking a plane. Hijackers usually choose planes as there are a lot of passengers and potential hostages. A plane is in the air and it is impossible for the military or police to take over such a plane.

However, traveling by plane is regarded as a safe means of transport because planes are stuffed with modern technology and they rarely break down. Big planes can take about three-hundred passengers at once. For security reasons it is important to provide safe transportation.

2. Traveling by carriage.
It is an old means of transport in comparison with today’s ones. People don’t use it any more. Thus it is difficult for me to talk about positive and negative aspect. But if I could get back in time to the time when it was used and common, I would perhaps find it comfortable and useful.

At that time it was the fastest means of transport. People traveled on horses or in carriages that were attached to horses. Perhaps I would also find some negative aspects in a carriage itself. Carriages wasn’t airtight. If it was cold the passengers got cold. There wasn’t any heating. What is more, roads weren’t smooth, there were a lot of ruts. I believe that traveling at that time leaves a lot to be desired. Perhaps if I was living at that time, I would estimate this type of transport comfortable.

3. How will transport change in the future?
I think that planes will travel faster because scientist will invent new solutions and technology to improve traveling. Perhaps trains will no more ride on rails, but on some kind of power field[pole siłowe]. I think that cars will disappear from roads and they will move in the air like in a film tilted The Fifth Element from 1997. In the air, there is more space and more possible directions at a time.
edytowany przez calf: 27 sty 2013


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