Speech on culture - trzy pytania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Czy może ktoś mi pomóc z moim speechem. Jak go oceniacie?
Trzy pytana dotyczące kultury:

1. Which do you prefer, watching films at the cinema or on DVD?
I rarely go to the cinema because I usually watch films on DVD. I think that watching films on DVD is much more comfortable. You don’t need to go anywhere, or buy tickets.

What is more, when you watch a film on DVD there is nobody to disturb you. Nobody eating chips, no people rustling wrappings. You can feel more comfortable, more free in front of your computer. At any time you can stop the film. If you recall something urgent you can stop the film and do it. There is also no problem with relieving yourself.

I am aware that there are a lot of advantages of going to the cinema. The screen is larger and more impressive. You can also go on a date to the cinema with someone you like.

2. How often do you watch the news on TV and why?
If I have the time, I watch the news, but I don't watch it regularly. Anytime I have something important to do I give it(watching television) up. I am interested in what happens all over the world. Watching the news is depending on having the time.

These days the subject of Smoleńsk disaster is on the news and I am not really interested in listening about it all the time. The anniversary of that events was in April the 10th and this subject is brought up very often. What is more, there are two parties that attack and accuse each other and all this puts me off. I believe a large proportion of the society is tired of the argument about the catastrophe.

3. How of do you visit museums and why?
I rarely visit museums these days. It's because I don't have much time to do it. I used to visit museums when I was at school. There were organized trips to museums and the class was got to go there.

Going to museums is important because it helps consolidate knowledge. It is important especially for young people who are at school yet. History can become more real why you can see the exhibits for yourself – sabers, guns, uniforms. History then becomes closer to you. It's easy to forget what you have read in the books. But if you go to the museum and can see all those things associated with your knowledge, then it's easier to become a better historian.

edytowany przez calf: 14 kwi 2013
I rarely go to the cinema because I usually watch films on (mysle, ze tu powinien byc przedimek) DVD.
What is more, when you watch a film on (przedimek) DVD there is 'nobody' (daj ..no one) to disturb you. 'Nobody' (jakos moje 'no one' mi sie lepsze wydaje) eating chips, no people rustling wrappings.
There is also no problem with 'relieving yourself.' (troche niezreczne - jest takie cos jak 'comfort breaks', ktore jest uzywane)

Anytime I have something important to do 'I give it(watching television) up' (mozna tez napisac ...I miss it).
Watching the news 'is depending' (napisz 'depends') on having the time (dodaj ...to do so).

These days the subject of (przedimek) Smoleńsk disaster is on the news and I am not really interested in listening about it all the time. The anniversary of that 'events' (l. poj) was 'in' ON 'April the 10th' (10th of April) and this subject is brought up very often. What is more, there are two parties that attack and accuse each other and all this (tutaj mozna cos dodac..np. bickering) puts me off. I believe THAT a large proportion of the society is tired of the argument about the catastrophe.

3. How ofTEN do you visit museums and why?
There were organized trips to museums and the class 'was got' (mozna 'had') to go there.
It is important especially for young people who are YET at school 'yet' (niepotr). History can become more real 'why' (zle slowo, tutaj 'when') you can see the exhibits for yourself – sabers, guns, uniforms.
1. The anniversary of that event was on April the 10th.
--> Ale przeciez może być rocznica wydarzeń, czyli: The anniversary of that events was on...

2. Czyli 'yet' powinno być po 'are': It is especially important for young people who are YET at school. --> to jest szczególnie ważne dla młodzieży, która chodzi jeszcze do szkoły.

3. Gogle wyrzucają tylko kilka wyników dla "watch films on a DVD" zaś tysiące bez 'a'. Więc chyba bez jednak powinno być?

4. Czyli zdanie 'Nie ma też problemu z załatwianiem się/załatwieniem potrzeby' to będzie: 'There is also no problem with comfort breaks'.

edytowany przez calf: 14 kwi 2013
1. The anniversary of 'that' (tutaj wtedy thrzeba 'those' dlatego ze odnosi sie do 'events' l. mn) events was on...
2. yet - tak
3.watch films on a DVD" zaś tysiące bez 'a'. - nie strasz mnie tutaj 'googlem', wg mnie z 'a'
4. There is also no problem with comfort breaks- tak, to jest w jakis sposob wiecej akceptowane,

Ja bym uzyl still w tym zdaniu i in w miejsce at /chyba ze AT w takim kontekscie jest uzywane w BrE./
ale w którym zdaniu fui_eu?

Jak jesteś w Kanadzie, to możesz spytać kolegów: I usually watch films on (a) DVD instead of at the cinemas. - Z przedimkiem czy bez? Hmmmm?
Cytat: calf
ale w którym zdaniu fui_eu
w zdaniu gdzie jest yet at school
I prefer watching DVDs at home rather than going to the movies. /taki przyklad ktos mi podal/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 15 kwi 2013
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.