Speech on the last film you saw

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Proszę o sprawdzenie. Speech jest nt filmu, który się ostatnio widziało i trzeba go opowiedzieć swoimi słowami.

The film tells the story of a man, Josh, who has gifts. He’s able to heal people or bring them back to life. We can also see a woman who is a journalist, she is desperately looking for a story. She wants her story to be on the first page of the magazine she works for.

Josh is a recluse and lives in a cabin in the woods. The journalist is being given footage that shows Josh healing a girl who fell while hiking. While she is being healed a glow shows up so the footage is then more incredible and seems even better for a journal story. The journalist wants to interview Josh and gather more information. He doesn’t agree to be recorded but the journalists tapes him secretly and continuous on gathering data on him. The journalist is persistent and determined to make a story on him.

As time goes on, she has to make a decision – whether go to the bottom of the story and show the public Josh healing the girl - then Josh will face some consequences. He might be tested by military and medics. She might also give up and not to write her journal story about his gifts. If she reveals his gifts to the public it might bring josh to danger.

Finally she makes the right decision and Josh is not at threat of anything.
edytowany przez calf: 20 paź 2014
The film tells the story of a man, Josh, who has (tutaj mozna cos dodac, np. slowo 'extraordinary') gifts.
We can also see a woman who is a journalist(,) (nie dawaj przecinka, jak masz tylko jedno cos po nim, tutaj AND) she is desperately looking for a story. She wants her story to be on the 'first page' (tutaj myslisz o 'front cover') of the magazine she works for.

The journalist is 'being' (wg mnie niepotr) given footage that shows Josh healing a girl who fell while hiking. While she is being healed a 'glow' (moze lepiej slowo 'aura') shows up so the footage is then more incredible and seems even better for a journal story.
'He' (tutaj daj 'Josh') doesn’t agree to be recorded (przecinek przed 'but') but the 'journalists' (tutaj l. poj) tapes him secretly and 'continuous' (tu masz zle slowo, ma byc 'continues') 'on' (wg mnie niepotr) gathering data on him. The journalist is persistent and determined to 'make a story on him' (coz niezgrabnie, moze 'get a story out of this')

As time goes on, she has to make a decision – whether TO 'go' GET to the bottom of the story and show the public Josh healing the girl - 'then' (nie, to mi sie nie podoba, moze 'knowing that') Josh will face some consequences.
If she reveals his gifts to the public it might bring Josh 'to' (niepotr) danger.

Finally she makes the right decision (ale jaka?) and Josh is not at threat of anything.


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