Tranformacja Active-Passive Prośba o pomoc!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Bardzo proszę o pomoc w transformacji czynnej na bierną i w razie koniecznosci na odwrót...

1) It is said that many people are homeless after the floods.

2) It is known that the Prime Minister is in favour of the new law.

3) It is expeced that the government will lose the election.

4) It is thoughy that the prisoner escaped by climbing over the wall

5) it is believed that he drove through town at 90 miles an hour.

6)It is reported that two people were seriously injured in the accident.

7) It is said that two men were arrested after explosion.

8) People say that Artur is very rich.

9. People say that Arthur has 22 children.

10) People say that he sleeps on a bed of nails.

11) Journalists suppose that he earns $10 million a year.

12) Lots of people believe that the PM and his wife have separated.

13) Everyone expects that this soap opera will end next year.

14) People consider him to be a decent man

15) It is said that 32 milion Big MAcs are eaten worldwide every day.

Dzięki serdeczne!
1) Many people are said to be homeless after the floods.
2) The PM is known to be in favor of the new law.
3) The government is expected to lose the election.
4) The prisoner is thought to have escaped by climbing over the wall.
5) He's believed to have driven through town at 90mph.
6) Two people are reported to have been seriously injured in the accident.
7) Two men are said to have been arrested after explosion.
8) Artur's said to be very rich.
9) Arthur's said to have 22 children.
10) He's said to sleep on a bed of nails.
11) He's supposed to earn $10M a year.
12) The PM and his wife are believed to have separated.
13) This soap opera's considered to end next year.
14) He's considered to be a decent man.
15) 32M Big Mac's are said to be eaten worldwide every day.