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Brak wkładu własnego

Wpis zamieszczony (lub przeniesiony) do grupy "Brak wkładu własnego" oznacza, że autor wpisu nie zadał sobie trudu samemu spróbować poradzić sobie z zadaniem lub prośba o tłumaczenie została przepuszczona przez Google Translator. Jeśli ktoś z użytkowników forum ma czas i ochotę może odpisać na taki wpis ale jeśli takiej odpowiedzi nie będzie - nie ma co się denerwować - po prostu nikomu nie chce się odrabiać zadań za kogoś ;-)

Dlatego zachęcamy do własnych prób - szansa na odpowiedź jest znacznie większa.

Prosze o sprawdzenie. Mialam napisac opowiadanie o dinner party, zdaje mi sie ze mam tam duzo bledow a na ocenie mi zalezy, gdyby moglby to ktos sprawdzic bylabym bardzo wdzieczna z gory dzieki:)
It was a beautiful, sunny saturday. I with my best friend Magda decided go for a walk with my dog. Unexpectedly weather happened foul so I must to come back get home. I was very bored so I called to Magda. I hit on a great idea- we arrange a dinner party. I went to Magda and we devised a plan. I called to all friends, they was pleased and said visit our party. On one moment stoped fall so disposed in garden huge tent, which her mum bought on a special party. We arranged table and I went to kitchen . There Magda disposed foods on a plates and drinks in coloured glass. Then we taked it. I did decorations with balloons and blotting-papers. In this time Magda looked for CD with nice music. Guests was about 6 o’clock. Suddenly came violent thunderstorm. A tent was damaged so started rain to inside. That was terrible. Magda directed all taked foods and drinks to home. A dinner party lasted to late night hours. This incident with rain was very funny and all my friends laughed. In the morning in home was a lot of rubbish. We very fast cleaned whole home because about 12 o’clock returned Magda’s parents. We was sad because a tent was damaged but in spite this problem a dinner party was the best party in my life.
It was a beautiful, sunny 'saturday' (dni tyg jak i miesiace piszemy duza litera).
Unexpectedly, THE weather happened TO BE foul so 'I' (ale chyba tutaj 'we') 'must' HAD to come back 'get' (po co to slowo? albo 'come back, albo 'get') home. I was very bored, so I called to Magda. I hit on a great idea-we WOULD arrange a dinner party.
I 'called' (moze lepiej 'rang', wtedy ...rang all my) to all friends, they 'was' (ale friendS to l. mnoga, prosze o czasownik w l. mn) pleased
and said THAT THEY WOULD 'visit' (visit czy come to?) our party. 'On' IN one moment (ale co stopped?) stoped fallING so 'disposed' (zle slowo) in THE garden huge tent, which her mum bought 'on' FOR a special party. We arranged
THE table and I went to THE (co to z tym 'the' - nie lubisz tego uzywac?)kitchen. There Magda 'disposed' (zle slowo) 'foods'FOOD on 'a' (nie daj 'a' przed l. mn) THE plates and drinks in coloured glassES. Then we 'taked' (to slowo nie istnieje - nie wiem co tu ma byc? TOOK 'it' do czego to 'it' sie odnosi?).
DURING 'In' (niepotr) this time Magda looked for 'A' CD with nice music. Guests 'was' (guests to l. mn-czasownik tez powinnien byc w l. mn. ale lepiej ARRIVED) about 6 o'clock. Suddenly THERE came A violent thunderstorm. 'A' (tutaj THE-bo mowisz o specificznym)tent was damaged so IT started TO rain 'to' (niepotr) inside.
Magda directed all 'taked' (nie rozumiem tego slowa-co tu ma byc?) foods and drinks to home. 'A' (mowisz o specificznym THE dinner party lasted 'to' TILL THE late 'night' (niepotr) (lepiej napisz...till the early hours) hours.
In the morning in THE home THERE was a lot of rubbish. We 'very fast' QUICKLY cleaned THE whole 'home' (tutaj HOUSE because about 12 o'clock 'returned Magda's parents' (nie, chyba masz na mysli...Magda's parents were about to return). 'We was' (ej? no...we-to l. mnoga, prosze o czas. w l. mn) sad because 'a' THE tent was damaged but in spite OF this problem 'a' THE dinner party was the best party in my life.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia