Opis doświadczenia i silnych stron

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć, czy te teksty są napisane poprawnie i użyto w nich odpowiedniego słownictwa? Może można coś poprawić żeby brzmiało bardziej profesjonalnie?

Work experience in data management and analysis, developing automation and applications in many programming languages. Experience in searching for opportunities of process improvement and new solution implementation. A flexible profile playing multiple roles focused on good customer relations. Handling business processes and increasing the result.

Analytical skills supported by conscientious and commitment, development-oriented with knowledge in the area of IT and FA processes. Highly self-motivated and result-driven. The ability to self-organization and building collaboration partnership with client.
in identifying opportunities for process improvement and implementation of new solutions
a flexible player of multiple roles
and leveraging the outcomes (zamiast tego fragmentu z result)
to self-organize and form collaborative partnerships with with clients
Dzięki wielkie :)
The blurb lacks structural parallelism.