covering letter

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam wyszukać w niżej podanym liście słówka i zwroty odpowiadające:

1) go ahead/continue - proceed?
2) I an pleased to - ...
3) ready to give you - ...
4) free - complimentary?
5) value - ...
6) don't wait to call me again - ...
7) send - dispatch?

Further to your telephone enquiry, I have pleasure in enclosing a pro forma invoice for the Bole Bike Polo equipment we discussed. This invoice is valid for two months.

As you will see, we are prepared to offer you a 15% discount on the purchase of three starter kits.

Unfortunately, we are not able to offer a better price on on the gloves as they are not made by us.

Hovever, we would also include a complimentatu video (worth $12.99) showing how the game is played if you decide to proceed with the order.

The total cost of these items is $411.63 which includes cost, insurance, and freight. We will dispatch the goods as soon as we receive your payment.

In the meantime,please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further details.

We look forwar to hearing from you.
podaj swoje odpowiedzi, to sprawdzimy.
ready to give you - prepared to offer you

value - worth

don't wait to call me again - do not hesitate to contact me

Proszę o sprawdzenie tego co napisałem. Nic więcej nie wymyślę sam.
>value - worth

nie widze tu slowa worth

reszta jest ok, ale zapomniales o I am pleased ... - przeciez to takie proste (jest slowo utworzone od pleased)
I am pleased to - I have pleasure ?

'worth' jest w nawiasie obok ceny

value=worth ?
I am pleased to - I have pleasure ? IN

'worth' jest w nawiasie obok ceny

value=worth ?

Nie, to 'worth' jest przymiotnikiem 'warty'. szukaj rzeczownika... na c :-)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.