A propo reading-u. Wczoraj zaczęłam przerabiać GOLD-a CPE i natknęłam się na taki oto fragment reading-u, który chyba dobrze obrazuje, jaki ten egzamin jest zakręcony:
"I spent a great deal of time inside myself, as if in my own world, screened off from everything else. But there was no world there inside me, only a kind of nothing layer, a neither-nor, a state of being hollow without being empty or filled without being full. It just was, inside myself. This emptiness wasn't tormenting in itself. I was inside the emptiness and the emptiness was inside me - no more than that. It was nothing but an extension of time - I was in that state and it just went on. But the sense of unreality and of always being wrong when I was out in the world, outside myself, was harder to bear"
A teraz pytanie do tego:
"When she was apart from others and 'inside herself' the writer felt:
A) nothing at all
B) hopeless and lonely
C) at one with nature
D) cut off form the world"
Ja obstawiam A, ale oczywiście nie jestem pewna, bo mam wrażenie, że sam autor nie wiedział co miał na myśli, pisząc te słowa. :)
Co wy na to?