Twin Peaks

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Hello everybody,
I was wondering if there are any Twin Peaks fans here. Personally, I think it's the best TV series ever made. I have seen it a few times and I absolutely love it. The atmosphere, the characters and Lynch's sense of humor are marvellous. Maybe you know if the series has been published on DVD because I couldn't find it anywhere. I would like you to share your ideas here about the series, Lynch and anything connected with it.
don't know if I can call myself Twin Peaks fan, but i've seen the whole series this summer and watching it was like a drug addiction..
once you watch one episode.. you can't wait to another, because it always ends in the most interesting moment..
Does the whole series consist of 27 episodes only ??? (because that's what I got from my friend in DVDix, not DVD format, recorded from some Scandinavian TV with Norwegian or Swedish subtitles :)) )

What you can probably get on DVD is "Twin Peaks, Fire walk with me" I've got it in VideoCD format

I also love the sountracks from both!!!

and remember.. the owls are not what they seem...
You have probably watched the same version as I have... You can acquire a bit of Swedish with these irremovable subtitles:) I even remeber some words like 'flycka' - meaning girl, for example. I am not sure if there 27 or 28 or 29 episodes - I only know that it ends when agent Cooper (love this character! ) is possessed by you-know-whom (I don't want to spoil the pleasure for those who haven't seen the series yet). it is a pity and I can't understand why this seiries hasn't been published on DVD yet.... As for 'Fire walk with me' - well, to be honest, I didn't like it at all. it lacks all the qualities of the original series, it's like a cheap Hollywood-made story of high school kids and ghosts. And I also think that it would've probably been better if Lynch had sticked to his original idea and made only 15 episodes, without letting others make more episodes only to earn some extra money from commercials....
is it possible to get an episod from the net? it sounds interesting to see :)
get from net,,, hmm

try things like: torentreactor.... and spend a few days downloading :))

I agree about "Fire walk with me".. it seemed like a fast summary of first 16 episodes, but itself it was in Lynch-style that I don't like..

e.g. personally I don't understand all the fuss about "Lost Highway"..

and of course after you find out who killed Laura Palmer.. it seems like the end..

but that wouldn't exactly reveal the idea of the film..

in fact she was killed by an evil force that can't be defeated or punished like a human being..

I enjoyed T P till the very last episode (which is as you wrote, when Agent Cooper.. excuse me Special Agent Cooper becames possesed.. by the dark one) and felt sorry and surprised..asking is it the end?.. so soon ? ;)


and remember.. there is something in these woods
Lynch has his style - you can either love it or detest it. I enjoyed every single movie of him that I've watched, mainly because of the atmosphere. In 'Fire Walk with Me' there was very little of this ambiente - I think Lynch was simply asked to make a movie based on the series because of its enormous popularity. And one more thing - what do you think of Lynch's female characters? I mean, in each movie there is at least one extraordinarily beatiful women, and all of them have something in common - there are usually brunettes, a bit mysterious, a bit evil, somewhat childish ... In TP it's Audrey, of course.
And I wish it was possible to download episodes of better quality - the ones in Swedish are really mediocre... But, well, even they are worth watching.
PS. I remember watching a few episodes on Polish TV in the early nineties. Maybe we could start a small campaign to urge TV authorities to broadcast it once again... I mean, when the election is over, obviously...:)
Hi, I was about 12 when I last saw Twin Peaks series. I am dying to see it once again. I can't remember much except for the overwhelming atmosphere. This I can remember very well. That's why seeing it once again would be a dream come true. The problem is I can't find it anywhere, apart from the film, of course. And there are obviously much more interesting soap operas in TV these days like: The bold and beautiful. Disguisting. I am sure that if they broadcasted the series there would be plenty of enthusiastic viewers.
Greetings to all Twin Peaks fans.
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