Word or expression? pomoz

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o pomoc. Kazde z tych zdan trzeba uzupelnic o odpowiednie slowo lub wyrazenie.
1. Your phone line was busy and I kept being forwarded to your............so I left you a message there. Didn't you get it?
2. Person-to-person phone calls are cheaper, but if you are having problems you can go through the..........
3. In order to start programme in Windows, all you need to do is............ the appropriate icon.
4. The mobile phone, just like your email account, has an...........and an.........for incoming and outgoing messages respectively.
5. There are so many addresses in the US that it is common for them to use specialized.............such as 'com', 'net' or 'int'.
6. When you phone long-distance, you can pay less and talk longer when you call during the..................
7. Nowadays, most of the high-tech inventions are no longer manually but............operated.
8. Joanna is a very.........-..........-...............person. She is not pretentious or flighty at all.
Z gory wielkie dzieki za pomoc. Pozdrawiam.
1. voice mail. 2. operator, 3. click, 4. inbox ...outbox, 5. extentions, 6. off-peak, 7. automatically (?)
Nie mam pewności czy o to chodziło...
a w ostatnim 'down-to-earth'
6. When you phone long-distance, you can pay less and talk longer when you call during the......

a tu "off-peak hours" myślę, że to hours powinno być.
Dzieki za pomoc :) Pozdrawiam.


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