Proszę o pilna pomoc

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam proszę o pilna pomoc z cwiczeniem
18. While I (do) .... my best to solve that problem you (discuss) .... some unimportant matter.
19. I (do) ..... my best for the last few hours to explain it to you; doesn't even one of you realize that?
20. After I went out, I saw it (rain) ..... all night.
21. When he (finish) .... he let us know.
22. He (listen) .... to his personal stereo so he could not hear your words.
23. What (they play) .... when you entered the room?
24. On Fridays when we (finish) .... our work we often go for a drink.
25. (the milkman come) .... yet?
26. I (run) .... too fast and so (have) .... Peter, and we are both exhausted now.
27. I (go) .... to Vienna several times before 1980. 28. Why (you always put) .... your feet on my desk? Stop doing that because you know I hate it.
29. She was depressed because she (not pass) ..... her exam. 30. He repeated that water (boil) ..... at the temperature of 100°C.
31. (you find) .... the answer to that problem yet? 32. After we (break down) .... our T.V. set we could not watch the film.
33. Until last winter I (never see) .... snow in December. 34. After I (be) ..... tired I felt relaxed.
35. "Where have you been ?" "I (pick) .... apples."
36. They (work) .... too hard. I suggest they take a few days off.
37. (you have) ..... something to drink? If not I will bring you a few bottles of coke.
38. I (not see) .... him since he (stop) ....
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