czy moze ktos mi pomoc napisac 3 zdania

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musze napisac podziekowania po angielsku czy moze ktos mi pomoc? byla bym bardzo wdzieczna

"Bardzo dziekuje za opiekę, troske, poswiecenie, za prawie 2 cudowne miesiace ktore spedzilismy razem poprostu za wszystko. Nigdy nie zapomne tych wakacji i tego wszystkigo co dla mnie zrobiliscie. Jeszcze raz przepraszam za klopot. "

Rodzice rowniez dolaczaja sie do podziekowan i przeprosin

bardzo prosze pomozcie mi to przetlumaczyc
I thank you so very much for custody, care, devotion..For almoust two wonderfull months, which we spend together, for everything! Never I don't forget this holiday and everything what you made for me. I'm sorry again for promblem. rnParents adjoin for thanks too. rnrnPS. mój angielski niezaciekawie wygląda i nie wiem czy to jest dobrze:-)
POPRAWKA I thank you so very much for custody, care, devotion..For almoust two wonderfull months, which we spend together, for everything! Never I don't forget this holiday and everything what you made for me. I'm sorry again for problem. Parents adjoin for thanks too. PS. mój angielski niezaciekawie wygląda i nie wiem czy to jest dobrze:-)
Unfortunately I dont understand the Polish version but the English version is NOT great. Its understandable (just) to an English speaker but grammatically its incorrect and doesnt get across what I think you want to say... Sorry.
how do you know what they want to say if you don't understand the Polish version???
anyway, you're right, the translation is full of mistakes
I'd like to thank you for the whole time we spent together, for your great care and effort you put and for the almost 2 fabiulous months.
I'll never forget what you've done for me, that time I would enjoy spending with you and everything you've done for me.
I'm really sorry for trouble I've made during my stay.

Apology and Thanks from my parents who want to render the best for you, too.

bollox - :d

I repeated myself with this what you've done for me

and everything you've done for me - instead of this - I propose and all fun I had with you.
I'd like to thank you for the whole time we spent together, for your great care and effort you put and for the almost 2 fabiulous months.
I'll never forget what you've done for me, that time I would enjoy spending with you and everything you've done for me.
I'm really sorry for trouble I've made during my stay.

Apology and Thanks from my parents who want to render the best for you, too.

Ok, the last version is close and I can work with it. This is how Id write it and Im a native speaker: "I'd like to thank you for the time we spent together and for the care and effort during the 2 fabulous months I was with you. I'll never forget what you did for me nor will I ever forget enjoying being with you. Im really sorry for the trouble I caused during my stay.

Thanks very much and I hope you can accept my apology. Thanks also from my parents who also wish you the very best.

Perfect :)
almost perfect!!

A few sentences you combined in one which is a bit strtched.
Once you don't know what's written in Polish you may be wrong when you say it is perfect, indeed.

Learn Polish as well to be perfct, indeed.


Thanks very much and I hope you can accept my apology. Thanks also
>from my parents who also wish you the very best.

This sentence, for instance is not appropriate with what the author wants to convey.
However, it is acceptable and makes sense at all.
uhm, fabUlous
FABULOUS - of course but I wrote very fast, hence mistake
You're over and misusing indeed mate :) Very difficult word to use....

In English we can and do write stretched sentences as you call them. What I wrote was a translation of your (school) English into English. Its all quite neutral really and sure it suits the needs of the writer. You certainly cant use "render" in that final sentence, or for that matter start the sentence with "Apology".
yep I agree - it's too academic written.
it's not academic, far from it

it seems to me that whenever you learn a new word, a difficult and rarely used one, and you keep putting it in a sentence where it doesn't fit and sounds strange

don't argue with a native speaker because he really does know better
czy moze ktos mi przetlumaczyc taki tekst, bardzo prosze i z gory dzieki
Dziekujemy bardzo wszystkim znajomym z pracy za cudowne prezenty dla naszej coreczki, to bardzo milo z waszej strony:)
Dear co-workers,
Thank you very much for all wonderful gifts for our daughter, it's very kind of you.
a gdybym chciala odniesc sie do wszystkich przyjaciol tzn. zeby znajomi z pracy wiedzieli ze chodzi mi o nich np. jak przetlumaczyc:
'dziekuje wszystkim przyjaciolom z pracy'???
dzieki za pomoc:)
colleagues - ale to jest po prostu współpracownik
w angielskim to ja mam zawsze ten problem, ze w sumie to nie ma odpowiednika kolega,kolezanka
jest friend- przyjaciel, aquaintance- znajomy, a nie ma okreslenia na kogos kto jest wiecej niz znajomy, ale mniej niz przyjaciel.
friend to jest i znajomy, i przyjaciel
nie dokonca, bo jak uzywalam friend w znaczeniu kolega,kogos kogo sie zna ale nie jest to bliski przyjaciel to pewna osoba mi odpowiedziala he is not my friend, ale przeciez tez nie stranger:)
It's a little complicated. When someone is a very good friend (as in przyjaciel), you can say my close friend or a very good friend of mine or something like that. I'm not sure who I'd call an aquaintance; someone I meet in passing I guess and exchange a few pleasantries about the weather.
Someone I work with would be a co-worker, but they could also be a friend or even a good friend.
dziekuje bardzo wszstkim za wskazowki:)
a jakiego okreslenia uzyc jesli chce powiedziec, ze cala uwage poswiecam corce tzn. ze jestem zajeta mama???? Jak to ujac ma ktos pomysl?
I'm a very dedicated mother.
inne pomysly? jak to napisac prosciej? 2 zdania:
'cala swoja uwage poswiecam corce'
'bardzo zajeta mloda mama'
jak to ujac prosta ang???
My daughter is the apple of my eye, she keeps me busy all day.
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