need a book verification by someone from US

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Need to find somebody (native from US) to read the book (my book) and check everything at an angle of spelling errors and other mistakes. It's just about reading it and correct little things, like in compound sentences, or wrong tenses or something else. It has to be a native American with regards to some american slang and mostly american-english. As a payback i can something like this with polish text. Please, it's urgent! My email: [email]
What's the subject of this book and how many pages?
the book is about lack of communication and their inability to communicate. Something between "Lost In Translation" and "Closer". 75 pages A4 format.
yea... it was supposed to be ...people and their inability to communciate
...people and their inability to communicate...
From what I know, generally people are born with an innate ability to communicate - (either through formal language, gestures, body language etc). It is the understanding of the intended 'message' of the communication that always has and always will cause problems, not the ability itself.
You should re-think your requirements, IMHO. One, you don't have to be an American
to know American English. Two, native speakers are not necessarily the best choice when it comes to checking for spelling errors - you need someone who is very well read and (even more importantly) good at spotting such things. Not everybody is - a senior editor at PWN, for instance, has told me that she is a lousy proof-reader, because she just does not *see* the errors. Three, someone who actually knows Polish as well as English would be better at dealing with mistakes like the one you've just made ("check everything at an angle of spelling errors")
faolan - your nick looks familiar, are you a Puhatek?

You may be interested in watching the link I'll provide, when you've time (it is an hour long).


I disagree. If anything, a spellchecker will shit all over anyone, no matter how well-read. The only thing that needs to be looked out for are homonyms / homographs or commonly confused words or perhaps contractions (your / you're, their / there / they're, childish / childlike etc etc).

I personally believe that an educated native speaker of a language (well, one who has a good command of the language) will, most times, be better than a non-native. Esp' a teacher (one who knows what s/he is doing, that is; I know the general consensus on this board regarding that matter!).

Not a full-fledged Puhatek by any means, but I did post a few times.
Right, you're one of those who post on and off... nearly a regular. Nice to see you here.
Feral Belcher
I don't think we're in disagreement, really. A spell-checker is good advice;
my point was simply that if you want a *person* to look for spelling errors,
you should get somebody well-read, and not necessarily a native speaker.

I would also agree that an EDUCATED native speaker is better than
a non-native - but again I never said otherwise. What I meant was: don't
get fixated on a native speaker, because they come in many flavors :)
I mean, if she manages to get an educated, well-read native speaker with
editorial experience (better than teaching in this case), great. But
the chances are rather slim, IMHO, so it would be useful to consider the second best - an educated, well-read non-native, rather than just anyone
who happens to be an American.
Thank you :)
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