Pomożcie!!!!! Plisssssssss

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
A lot of people decide to go foreign country. They go to in aim getting to know a culture, learn better English or for money. They can stay in dormitory or at host family.
One of advantage living with host family is you talk in English all the time and your English is better. But disadventage this situation is that it can be very hard because you must use only English.
Another adventage is you can see how Britishs really live and you will have plenty of opportunities to practice your English. But on the other hand you must accept differents customs, rules.
However you live in strange hause with unknow people but you can meet new people.
Living in different country is very hardbut it has got alot of adventage and disadventage. But one is sure you get experiences.
poprawilam twoj pierwszy post - tutaj generalnie nie powtarzamy tego samego pytanie w innych watkach - to niekiedy odcheca ludzi od pomocy.