What do you think??? Questions

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Don't you tkink that married people should not be allowed to divorce?
2. What do you tkink about vegetarianism?
3. What is your opinion about capital punishment?
4. Do you tkink that parents should be forbidden to hit their children?
5. Don't you think that men are better at cooking than women?
6. Everybody should pay for their education, don't you think?
>1. Don't you {think} that married people should not be allowed to
>2. What do you {think} about vegetarianism?
>3. What is your opinion about capital punishment?
>4. Do you {think} that parents should be forbidden to hit their
>5. Don't you think that men are better at cooking than women?
>6. Everybody should pay for their education, don't you think?

bardzo ladniie skonstruowane pytania
>1. Don't you {think} that married people should not be allowed to

Of course they shuldn't be allowed to divorse. It's better to live together even if we hate each other ;)

>2. What do you {think} about vegetarianism?

The Kingdom for a roasted chicken!

>3. What is your opinion about capital punishment?


>4. Do you {think} that parents should be forbidden to hit their

Of course! But we are not talking here about slapping theirs bottoms, are we?

>5. Don't you think that men are better at cooking than women?

Not in my case! :)

>6. Everybody should pay for their education, don't you think?

I've finished my free education, so , yes THEY should pay for it! ;)
1. Don't you tHink that married people should not be allowed to divorce?
They shouldn't! They should just keep on killing each other...
2. What do you tHink about vegetarianism?
3. What is your opinion about capital punishment?
4. Do you tHink that parents should be forbidden to hit their children?
No. (within reason)
5. Don't you think that men are better at cooking than women?
Stereotyping is dangerous.
6. Everybody should pay for their education, don't you think?
1. definately there is only one case when one can get divorced- namely when adultery is comitted
2. I admire all the people who take up the challenge and decide to turn to vegetarianism; I would find it extremely difficult :) yummy ham :)
3. i don't think we as people have the right to decide about other people's life or death - I'm against
4. no. parents have the right to punish their children and they can use corporal punishment since it's very effective :)
5. it depends. neither men nor women have more inborn features responsible for cooking. sex has nothing to do with it.
6. not necessarily. some people from poor families may be very eager to learn, however unable to pay for their own education. that is why they may need some financial support from the state, for instance.
To mi sie podobalo
5. It depends. Neither men nor women have more inborn features responsible for cooking. 'sex has nothing to do with it' (What? Sex in the kitchen...Perish the thought) W tym zdaniu slowo 'gender' lepiej pasuje niz 'sex'.
Terri, ostatnio na egzaminie ustnym moje biedne chinskie dzieci musialy poradzic sobie z takim pytaniem:

You're trying to find out about fitness classes at the local gym.
Pytanie: Do you have SINGLE SEX SESSIONS?

Sounded a little embarrassing, to say the least...
>Pytanie: Do you have single sex sessions?
Odp: Only when multi-sex sessions are not available.
Only when sessions for married people are not available
. It depends. Neither men nor women have more inborn features
>responsible for cooking. 'sex has nothing to do with it' (What? Sex in
>the kitchen...Perish the thought

Hey terri, if you ever want to read about food and sex (not necessary in the kitchen), read Aphrodite: A Memoir of the Senses by Isabel Allende.
not *necessary

not necessarily
1. definately there is only one case when one can get divorced-
>namely when adultery is comitted.

Really? Only one? Adultery? Can't you think of a more serious case - spousal abuse?

>neither men nor women have more inborn features
>responsible for cooking.

winno tam byc 'have' czy 'has?
i jak jest zdanie typu 'neither the boy nor the girl carried ... baggage' to jaki zaimek wstawic?
>>neither men nor women have more inborn features
>>responsible for cooking.
>winno tam byc 'have' czy 'has?

tylko have, bo oba 'podmioty' sa w liczbie mnogiej.

>i jak jest zdanie typu 'neither the boy nor the girl carried ...
>baggage' to jaki zaimek wstawic?

a o czyj bagaż chodzi?
my baggage :-)

'swój' = their, bardzo formalnie byloby 'their respective'
>>>neither men nor women have more inborn features
>>>responsible for cooking.
>>winno tam byc 'have' czy 'has?
>tylko have, bo oba 'podmioty' sa w liczbie mnogiej.

rzeczywiscie, nie spojrzalem dokladnie. a co by bylo jakby jeden z 'podmiotow' byl w liczbie pojedynczej? mialo by znaczenie ktory (ten 'blizej' czasownika czy 'dalej')?

nie mam pojecia.
>rzeczywiscie, nie spojrzalem dokladnie. a co by bylo jakby jeden z
>'podmiotow' byl w liczbie pojedynczej? mialo by znaczenie ktory (ten
>'blizej' czasownika czy 'dalej')
zacznijmy od tego, w jakiej formie czasownik znajduje sie (powinien znajdowac sie), jezeli mamy 2 podmioty w l.poj - 'plural' czy 'singular form'?

Neither my sister nor my brother likes / like pizza.
Neither Susan nor Mark likes / like pizza.
(plural is informal)
jezeli sa mieszane:
Neither my friends nor my sister likes / like going to parties.

z racji, iz jest to dosc niezreczne, stawiamy rzeczownik w l.mn. jako drugi element podmiotu, aby uniknac tego problemu:

Neither my sister nor my friends like going to parties.
jesli sa 2 w l.mn:
Neither my siblings nor my friends drink lemonade.
co jesli mamy zaimki zamiast rzeczownikow?
Neither she nor he was keen on judo.
Neither she nor you know me.
Neither you nor I am responsible for the failure.

zasada brzmi - ten, ktory jest blizszy czasownikowi okresla uzycie odpowiedniej formy czasownika; jezeli uzywamy 'I', nalezy go umiescic jako drugi element podmiotu - bardziej czytelne i bardziej grzecznosciowe.
3. i don't think we as people have the right to decide about other people's life or death - I'm against

So, murderers can decide to take other people's life, while we as a society can't punish it? Have you ever read the Bible? If you are a believer you should know it was God who introduced capital punishment as a just way to deal with some kind of crimes. If God gave us and taught us that punishment must be just - according to the rule: "eye for eye, tooth for tooth", why do you think it is unjust to do it and that people don't have a right to carry out capital punishment?????
If you don't believe in God I'll try to explain my view in another way.....
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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