list formalny - pliss

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
miałąm napisać list otwart dotyczacy koncertu. sprawdźcie czy to jest dobrze i napiszce gdzie sa błędy pliss
Dear Editor,
I am writting to you about the concert in Myślenice. The band, Boys, started play at 8 pm last Saturday in the sports hall.
Boys is a band with singer, guitarist, drumer and basser. They play disco music. Marcin Miller started concert with their very popular songs: "jesteś szalona" and " Chłop z Mazur"
There was an audience of 1000 people and the hall was completly full People were very satisfied.
However, there was some problems. The lightening was disappointing, he suond was verry poor and the words of songs was hard to understand.But the songs was fantastic.The end of concert was at 11 pm.. I think there was too early.
WHy can`t we have concert with new micro and loudspeaker? And why the concert can`t expire later?
Sarah Miller


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