Internet and multimedia in teaching and learning

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I am looking for any new ideas concerning the use of internet to exchange views and information about English literature and EL in general. Maybe you know some forums on literature that are interesting.
Besides, I am interested in creating multimedial materials for teaching English: presentations, maybe school websites in English.
I hope to find some people of similar interests to share views and posssibly any materials and just to talk.
I'm writing my BA paper about computers in foreign language teaching and learning.
If you will be interested write to me:
Hello !! my BA paper is also connected with the computer in foregin language teaching and learning!! I have a problem with my topic !! I have no idea about what I con write !! Please help me If you have some ideas!! please!
If anyone's interested in CALL (Computer Aided Language Learning) I'll be happy to discuss it. It was the subject of both my BSc and MSc theses and I have some interesting literature on the subject. You can reach me at ang(at)
W tym roku pisze prace BA. Myślałam własnie nad tematem zwiazanym z CALL. Niestety nie mam pojęcia jak do tego sie zabrac i jaki by mógł być plan takiej pracy, co mogłabym tu napisac, Prosze o pomoc, chociaz mala podpowiedz.
Po głowie krązy mi kilka pomysłów, ale wiem ze to nie jest to co powinno byc.
Prosze o pomoc. Prosze o odpowiedz na mojego maila - [email]


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