Polish teacher in Krakow

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Is there someone in this forum interested in teaching a native English speaker Polish?

I just moved to Krakow from America and am interested in some private tutoring in your language.
Well, I may try to help you.
I teach English but I have some experience in teaching Polish to non-native speakers within a languague exchange tandem.
I may also recommend you some courses of Polish in languague schools in Krakow or give you a hand with choosing useful learning materials.
You can just e-mail me [email]
Welcome to Kraków ;-)
I can be reached at [email]
Corazon! please help me.I have a friend who is studying Polish in London.she,s looking for a good polish grammar book,but written in English.They advised to use Dana Bielec -that's author's name,but she isn't satisfied with it.Any suggestions???


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