going on holiday...:))

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My holidays start tomorrow. First, I\'m gonna visit my family - haven\'t seen them for something like 4 months, so that\'s going to be great. I don\'t know what\'s goinh to be with the rest of it, no plans whatsoever. I might go to Sweden, I might go to London, I might go to France (Cote d\'Azur), I might go to the Polish mountains, I might go to some country in Asia.... I don\'t know where I\'ll go - it never turns out the way I plan.
I might as well end up in Poznan...

And what about you? Any interesting places you\'re going to visit...?
How long is your holiday?! ;o) I get poxy two weeks... :(
I\'m more lucky - it\'ll be about 6 weeks:))
and Cebulka, where are you going?
I am going to Gdansk. We may have a day trip to Warsaw and, weather permitting, a boat trip to Hel. We are going to stay in the Tri-city most of the time.
Tri-city rulez,
great parks and bike paths,
you can even take your bike with you to the boat trip,
I\'ve been there on 10-13.06 this year,
I go there every year and I\'ve never had enough of this city
the weather was great, but since then the forecast on tv for this region was only rain, rain, rain...and so on,
even Wrocław, the warmest place in Poland doesn\'t seem to be so hot this summer, too.
What\'s up with this weather? Anybody knows?
It looks like autumn 2004 is now on, doesn\'t it?
3 men on Mtv, they are on the plane, standing ot he wing,
singing in some strange language........
I dream about sun, sand, warm water, holiday abroad, but need to wait till the next month, till the payday,
been to Cyprus this spring, Ayia Napa, great weather, sand, sun, no rain....wanna go back there so much!Go back there soon, the best :now
a są jakies pozytywy tego lata?
pocieszmy się.
My stawiamy na to, że są jeszcze truskawki i zajadamy się na całego.
No i jagody, mniam mniam. a i grzybki się już pokazały:-)

No i nie trzeba oglądać tych niby modnie anorektycznych panienek z odkrytymi, zapadłymi brzuchami, wystającymi kośćmi, żebrami, bleeee
I\'ve just come back from Italy:) Nice weather, clear sea and....parents! It couldn\'t be more boring, I thank God I\'d took my Maths and handbooks so I could practise before Matura! I know it\'s strange, one-week holidyas with Maths ...but i was extremely bored believe me! But it\'s over fortunately...;) I\'ll spend the rest of the holidays at home learning Maths and Physics...
Come what may, say whatever you want, you\'ll start learning for real only a few months/weeks before your Matura ;)
No, it\'s not like that in my case:) I\'ve already done about 200 excercises on ...\'funkcja liniowa\'..:) I\'ve got some lessons with teacher every week and I\'m working hard despite the fact that I have whole year to learn
I admire you. I hope you are learning the whole day. I know that it will be hard to pass the Matura but after all you should have a rest for a while. I am preparing for the Matura too but I have spare time for many other things (friends, swimming, playing football and something like that). I have one question what do you want to study and where do you want to study it. Is it necessery to begin with your arrangements so early???
>I hope you are learning the whole day

It should by: \"I hope you aren`t learning the whole day\"

Silly me:P
I\'d like to study Computer Physics or sth connected with that. Where? Somewhere in Cracow:) Probably AGH but I\'m not sure whether I\'ll get enough points. I don\'t know if it\'s necessary to learn during holidays, but I feel it\'s the best way to learn when I don\'t have to do homework, learn Hisotry, Biology and other subjects which I hate;)
Oh, Cebulka how i hate you right now ;-/ because i envy you... If I could go to Gdansk for a holiday so soon :-/ Ouch, send grreting from me to seagulls in Gdansk, pleeeeeeeeeeease
Are you crazy people??????!!!!!! You\'ve got holidays! Why on earth are you learning now? Believe me the whole year is enough to prepare to \"matura\". You\'d better take some rest because next year is going to be a nightmare for you...:-)
Yeah, Monik is right. You\'ll have one year to prepare for this so-called \"the most important exam\" and I assure you, it\'s enough. I guess you\'ve been learning for last years a lot, so you don\'t have to learn now. Believe me, that\'s a good advice - have a bit of rest now!
I know people who are learning two years before mature exam and they are confident that this is really important to do math\'s exercises and something like that.I must add that -math\'s matura is not obligatory!.But if someone love to do this (Excuse me) shit let\'em have it
I love this \'shit\' :) Besides in my case it\'s impossible to pass Matura without starting to learn now. It\'s because of my Maths\' teacher - after finishing second grade we didn\'t even learn a half of the material we should have! Despite having 6 hours of Maths a week! It\'s because out teacher is always late and we often do one stupid exercise for the whole hour, just becuase it\'s \'interesting\' as she says. Of course, it is, but I think she should teach us what we are required to know before matura and then bring some extra \'interesting\' exercises. So back to my learning - you now know why I started so early. There\'s a lot of leeway to make up! Of course doing exercises gives me also some confidence and even if I passed without a high score ( with I hope won\'t happen)I \'d know I had done everything I could to succeed :)
Nearly none of schools were able to teach more then the half of the material. You aren`t a exception. It`s something strange about the system of education in Poland. People in charge for it were evidently myopic. I wish I had been born earlier... In my opinion someone who has been learning constantly during the school year from the first class won`t have trouble to pass the \'matura\'. Despite that there is a matter of studies. \'Matura\' is both the final exam of our secondary education and our entrance for a univeristy. Because of that it is important to pass it with a high score. If someone wants only to pass the \'matura\' he or she won`t have greater troubles. It is assumed that everyone ought to pass the \'final exam\'. At this point it`s a matter of our ambition. For one it is all the same whether to study in Warsaw or Pszczyna, for others the choose can be only one. Therefore if someone wishes to learn duing holidays... why not? Of course there is a lot o peoble who will say something like that: \"Is he stupid?\" or \"Is he a kind of crammer or what?\". It`s not unusual for us to disparage others without having a discourse.
wow !!! Italy - well I think that I is guite nice place to explore - no matter ...with who! On other side - I was with my parents on my holidays in Tunesia ...and I ve met very interesting people - hone my english skills , and hang out a lot - but ....maths abd physics in Italy - what a guy u re????
Actually, I\'m not a guy :P Besides, it was my fifth time in Italy, in the same town so... nothing interesting:/
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