Polish your Polish - free workshop for foreigners!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hey you!
Yes… you!!!

On Tuesday and Wednesday, 16th and 17th of December AEGEE-Warszawa is once again organizing a European Day of Languages.

This time we also remembered about all those who still have some Polish-language problems or … just visit Warsaw and have some free time:)

We invite you for both: Polish your Polish workshop and Language Café.
(more information about the program and directions: http://www.edl.aegee.waw.pl)


Wednesday, 17th of December, 10 a.m. – Riviera Dormitory building
You have a great opportunity to take part in a unique workshop on Polish language!!!

It will be a short course for both: those who have already started a journey with the language and also for those who still cannot overcome their fears and have not been brave enough before.

Workshop led by two young professionals - girls from the Warsaw University, will be composed mostly on interactive elements. It will take about 90 min.

You will find out how easy the Polish language is, sometimes funny and so useful in this country:) It will also be a good possibility to meet other people from different countries!

Places are limited – sign in now!


Tuesday, 16th of December, 8 p.m. – Equilibrium Pub
Language Café means just free conversations for everybody!!!

You will meet people from other countries and get to know about languages you are interested in!
You can also speak in your language and share the experience of the Polish language. There will be also people interested in your language and country willing to find out some interesting things about it.

Come and enjoy the cold beer/hot coffee meeting:)

Don’t miss the chance!
Hmm reklamują się, a sporo błędów wyłapałem. Ja nieznający języka. To co dopiero inni.
>>Ja nieznający języka
modesty becomes you.
merix jak moze to podaj jakie to bledy tak tylko z ciekawosci pytam(moze byc chociaz jeden). Jak powiedziales A to trzeba powiedziec B... Ja tu zadnych bledow sie nie dopatrzylem. Tylko ciekawosc. Dzieki.
...some Polish-language problems or ... 'just visit' (czy myslisz, ze to jest ok?) Warsaw and have some free time:)
a co nie moze być just visit(po prostu odwiedz nas )? Chodzi o to ze powinno byc pay as a visit ? Rzeczywiscie w google nic ma nic z just visit ale dlaczego tego by nie mozna uzyć jako odwiedz warszawe? to have some free time to rzeczywiscie powinnobyc "spend some" free time with us. No i to ze zawsze dodajemy The jak dodajemy language ale czy to sa jakies niewiadomo jakie bledy? a w tym have some free time moze nie napisalo mu sie "if" you have some free time.
co to za wytłumaczenie, że się nie napisało "if". Wymagany jest jakiś poziom poprawności. W ogóle co to za tłumaczenie. Błędów jest sporo, nie tylko gramtycznych, ale i logicznych.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, 16th and 17th of December AEGEE-Warszawa is
>once again organizing a European Day of Languages.

bez of,
przed AGEE przecienek
organizing - źle, helding - pomyśl dlaczego błąd logicnzy, jak się organizuje to ..?

This time we also remembered about all those who still have some
>Polish-language problems or ... just visit Warsaw and have some free

to co terri wypisała,
Polish-language, co za potwór (have some problems with learning Polish - to jest bardziej logiczne) Polish-language wskazuje, na to, że Polski im przeszkadza

just visit Warsaw - a to co to za złożenie?
have some free time - za dużo tego some, albo piszą ofizjalnie, albo luzacko, brak spójnośći

It will be a short course for both: those who have already started a
>journey with the language and also for those who still cannot overcome
>their fears and have not been brave enough before.

for both: those - tak się nie pisze, jak już to średnik, albo bez dwukropka i wtedy for those ... and those - unikamy dwóch for

cannot overcome- bardziej oficjalne niż some, prawda?

Workshop led by two young professionals - girls from the Warsaw
>University, will be composed mostly on interactive elements. It will
>take about 90 min.

professionals - girls - co to za info?
will be composed on - dlaczego intuicja mi podpowiada, że composed of, hmm? Ale i tak nie pasuje w tym kontekście.

be a good possibility to meet - chyba ktoś nie zna odcieni znaczeniowych

Places are limited - sign in now! - najpiwerw się signuje upuje, potem inuje

16th of December - po co to of tam tak usilnie wstawiają

Don't miss the chance! - zbyt polskie. Zauważ, że Anglicy piszą Don't miss it! lub podobnie
You will learn better than this as you go along. No worries.
no to chociazby w tym zdaniu
1. have remembered
2. are just visiting
(jakie 'if', tam nie ma miejsca na 'if')
Poza tym nie wiem, czemu po 'both' są dwukropki.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie