Stop smoking...

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...or you can get cervical cancer. Pretty scary, isn't it? What would you say, ladies?
will :) I'm tired, sorry :)
It's been always known that the life of a smoker is nothing but wretchedness. :P They know they harm themselves, but, oddly enough, they keep on smoking (like a chimney). In the case of the people addicted to cigarettes, smoking cessation would be a real tour de force. :)
I'm not a smoker, but there are many reasons why people smoke. Until these are truly known and, whenever possible resolved, it is almost impossible to stop smoking. In a crisis, such as the one we're experiencing now, many people reach for some support. In some, it is smoking, in others drink, or in others even even sex. Giving up any of them seems impossible for them.
As for killing themselves - other people do all sorts of things, which may be considered dangerous e.g. driving a car at high speed, bungie jumping. Some have impact on others as for example sitting behind a wheel when you're drunk may result in an accident and innocent people being killed.
Now, there's a question. Does the fact of you knowing the implications of smoking prevent you from taking another cig? In other words, does this increase your awareness?
If you know that this is preventable, will you be trying to give up more? It was always about breast cancer, right? Not anymore!
>>>Does the fact of you knowing the implications of 'smoking' (change smoking to 'drinking' prevent you from taking another 'cig' (drink)?
Drinking is sth different :)
yes, I know, it's more pleasurable. But does it not kill you too?
In order to prove a link between cervical cancer and smoking, you would have to ask every woman who has/had cervical cancer if she ever smoked. Women get this even if they have never had a cigarette in their lives.
Taking into account the latest, it can be said that women who went through their smear tests and were diagnosed with cervical cancer, including the case of Jade, had a smoke or two, which proves to me that smoking kills not only your lungs, but also other parts of your body.

Why not start drinking wisely instead?
>Why not start drinking wisely instead?

Or eating chocolate??

I confess, I'm addicted to chocolate, so I sympathize with smokers because I know how hard it is to quit. I can't understand how people can smoke though. To me, it's disgusting. I've tried smoking different things and none of them appealed to me whatsoever.
Chocolate addiction sucks. In short time you can become be overweight! Awfull. Jogging or smth like that is better.
No worries. I work out 5 times a week. I'm in better shape that most 18 year olds.
Nice :) You're all woman ripe enough to be plucked haha
Hm, eva - what are you doing? How your work out looks like? I'm running and making fitness exercices regulary but I can't eat chocolate :C.
Weight training and pilates/yoga/tai chi combo. I hate running. Any type of cardio workout bores me to death. Although....if I had a hot cupcake to run with...hmmm...I should go to my local park and check out the hotties there :)
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