
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy można powiedzieć: make a chat ? ;)

Z góry dziękuję za odpowiedzi...
nie sadze, raczej tylko 'have a chat'
make a chatter (o maszynie, która zaczyna szwankować)
Można też być może "make a chat" w sensie "stworzyć czata", (internetową aplikację do rozmów w czasie rzeczywistym) ale to już zupełnie inna bajka. ;-)

ok... to w takim razie czy można powiedzieć: make one's teeth? Mam po prostu taką rozsypankę z do/have/make i jeden wyraz został podany dodatkowo...
Ale właściwie, jeśli można powiedzieć- make a conversation, to dlaczego by nie: make a chat?
Bo nie ;-)
>>>Ale właściwie, jeśli można powiedzieć- make a conversation, to dlaczego by nie: make a chat..
Prosze podaj zdanie, gdzie 'make a conversation' wystepuje. Generalnie kolokacje to 'have' a conversation, have a chat.
Make conversation is something what people do when having a conversation is not easy....;-)
nie mozna powiedziec 'make a conversation' tak jak terri zauwaza, ale tylko tak jak artur przepisuje 'make conversation', co znaczy cos podobnego do 'small talk'
yes, you can 'make small talk', ale conversation is something that you 'have'
>yes, you can 'make small talk', ale conversation is something that
>you 'have'

yes madam, you're right about that, but 'to make small talk' is the same as 'to make conversation'; whereas 'have a conversation' is 'to converse'
nie ma określonego zdania, to jest rozsypanka- co pasuje do do/have/make? -make a conversation- nie występuje w tym poleceniu, jest tylko moim przykładem, tak samo jak make friends or make one's bed... w niektórych przypadkach obie formy są dopuszczalne: you can have friends and make friends-co nie oznacza wcale, że ^robisz ich^ ;))
>>>you can have friends and make friends-
yes, but these are two totally separate concepts.
You can have friends, whom you have known for years.
To make friends is to make new, never before known friends.
Bardzo proszę o napisanie mi czy ten fragment jest napisany poprwanie:

We live in small flat. We’ve got a nice kitchen, not big bathroom and two rooms. I’ve got the same room with my sister and the other room is our parents’. The flat is too small for four people so we will move in May to a house. Our new house is amazing. We’ve got big kitchen, two sunlight bathrooms, study, beautiful, big living-room and three bedrooms. I’m very happy for that I will have my own room.
We live in A small flat. We've got a nice kitchen, not A big bathroom and
>two rooms.

I've got the same room with my sister and the other room is
>our parents'.

I share one room with my sister and....

The flat is too small for four people so we will move in
>May to a house.

Our new house is amazing. We've got A big kitchen, two
>BRIGHT bathrooms, A study, A beautiful, big living-room and three

I'm very happy that I will have my own room.
A i nie zapominaj, że jest jeszcze zwrot 'take a conversation', ale znaczy co innego :)

"Chris Tucker can take a conversation from 0 to 60 m.p.h. in 2.3 seconds."

Wzięte z "Chicago Sun-Times" :)
Ja napisałabym go tak:

We live in the small flat. We've got a nice kitchen, a small bathroom and another two rooms. I have to share the room with my sister and the other room is our parents. We think that the flat is too small, so we will move to another in May. The new house is amazing. It has got a big kitchen, two sunlight bathrooms, study, a beautiful big living-room and three bedrooms. I'm glad that I will have my own room!
We live in A small flat. our parents'.

sunlit nie sunlight
right;) ,should be a small flat...sunlit...& a room instead the...but there is ,,is our parents''(?)
dopełniacz (kogo? czego?)

the other room is my brother's
the other room is my sister's
the other room is my child's
the other room is my parents'
the other room is my brothers'
the other room is my children's
the other room is my kids'

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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