Just a line

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"Now is she red, now is she pale,Right after the condition Of her ymagination"(source:1390 Gower Conf. III. 303)

So she's once embarrassed and ashamed then scared and startled because of a volatile figment of her imagination ?

Am I right in my paraphrasing ? I mean this "right after the condition", it "put me of my stride a bit".:)
Humbly reiterating my question:

How would you interpret " right after the condItion of her ymagination' in the above sentence ?
looks like you're right on the spot
her outward symptomatology appears to be driven by higher-order mental proceses
You can read it from the lines of your context. But I guess she's been fiddling with some naughty concepts and that caused her blushing and paling in public :)

Or is it because of sth else? Can you elaborate on this a little bit more?
Just snoozed a bit but now ready to pull an all-nighter:),missed your posts,thanke yow. Had a dream btw, about me and that "top-heavy eating-stuff" together in class learning english:), she pops up on this site adopting an umbiguous pose in her love-seat as if she was inviting you to join her in her "ordeal", she advertises yet another english school "Say Speak" I guess.
Oh, she must be good at that sort of thing..:) I mean at sharing a "learning experience of English" of course.:)
Merix I bet you would give her a couple of "lessons", wouldn't you? I would!:)

Back to my "imponderable gal" from the 14th century. So the phrase "right after the condition of.." should "read" nothing but " in accordance with fluctuations of her imagination" ? I liked the mg's "outward symptomotology" btw,I will include it in my vocab under the bookmark of volatility and buoyancy in feelings.

It's good to see you all bright and breezy. There's no better a tonic for your sore eyes than getting some sleep, I guess. :)

, she pops up on
>this site adopting an umbiguous pose in her love-seat as if she was
>inviting you to join her in her "ordeal", she advertises yet another
>english school "Say Speak" I guess.

Have you seen her? :)

She graduated from two studied in philology, not bad :)

And she uses all that funny and sophisticated words like you, so you may like it :) Oh I'm totally fagged out. It's time I went to bed now :) Nite nite!
She's Russian :)
As for your opinion. I will give you some food for thought tomorrow. Gotta hit the sack :)
you can sense it that she is somehow
>"searching" the words in her mind

I haven't noticed that at all in this short video. And she sounds pretty good, too, in my opinion.

Have you watched any Polish programs recently?

Blah blah blah yyyyyy blaah yyyyy blah blah.....yyyyy yyyy yyy blah yyyy blah blah blah...yyy blah yyyy blah blah yyy :)))
So Merix pulled my only leg then as for this chesty slav zeftig centerfold, didn't he?:)And she doesn't hold any degree in english philology, does she? Even if she does,now she rather fills the "position" which gives her ample access to both sex and travel, to put it mildly.:)
You won't believe it but swear God I was gonna add "Is she russian ?" but I didn't want to raise this "theme" to the fore for some reasons. I agree with you Eve ,that she's quite racy,snappy and fluent and so forth(I actually mentioned it in my earlier post) but the fact of the matter is that she can't disguise her original accent no matter how hard she tries. That's why I said that she sounds "phony" to me.
Being an adult learning a second language, one probably would never be able to master it to a native-like degree,to assimilate and gain those rudimentary phonetic chracteristics intrinsic to a native speech( only in terms of pronunciation of course), even if you have purely academic and professional approach to a langauge. Well, unless you possess some extraodinary ,vocal linguistic capasity and anomalous fucalty for uttering sounds identically ,some exceptional individual ability to distinguish the specific phonemes of the language and are exposed to the concerned langauge quotidially to boot.I think those who aspire to be "hailed" real professional linguists should strive for that( not me, I'm just a layman, one of the flock so to speak, and a beginner, in addition to it).
Have I watched any polish programmes lately? Why are you asking that? Because I said that this kitten might be polish or czech but didn't pick up she's a bohunk? Frankly ,I don't watch the box at all( save for CNN), more than that, I've limited drastically my exposure to Polish language to such an extent that my wife told me I should go see a shrink , but this is not only because I'm a month away from my speaking test.I wished I had left our beautiful country years ago but I couldn't.But things have changed in my life and I hope to get my s**t together soon and to "move out" completely with my whole kinfolks.:)
She's got her outline "speech" prepared in advance and not talking
>from her head. And this is what you call "pretty good"?

Of course. I give lectures all the time and yes, I have my outlines and cheat sheets prepared in advance and yes, I peek at my notes all the time.

I'm sure there're some at FCE
>level in Poland who speak better than she.

Anything's possible :)

A few months ago I had a pleasure (really; she was a lovely young woman) of interviewing someone with an MA in English philology from the Jagiellonian university. She was great, but her pronunciation was so bad that I couldn't hire her. Her English was also very Polish. Compared to this Polish girl, I'd hire the one in the video in a second.
It's ok with the "outline of your speech" of course,I just thought that a grad with a degree in Philology chatters like a "wind-up toy" without any notes becuase he doesn't need them as he/she spent five or more years studying the language.
Yes, indeed, sometimes the pronunciation is the case, couldn't agree more.:)Your post confirmed me in my belief once again that "we" should focus on pronunciation at a certain stage , I mean where we are able to build up and finish a sentence with a decent degree of literacy and strive for further improvement incessantly.

p.s. It's a pity it wasn't me who you interviewed a few years ago, you might've been hired me then , who knows ? :):):)
might've hired ..
>I just thought
>that a grad with a degree in Philology chatters like a "wind-up toy"
>without any notes becuase he doesn't need them as he/she spent five or
>more years studying the language.

Did he or she study every aspect of the language? Every subject that could be broached? I don't really understand your point of view.
To pewnie tacy, co dużo gadają, a mało mają do powiedzenia :)
Did he or she study every aspect of the language? Every subject that could be broached? I don't really understand your point of view.

What has "every subject/aspect" got to do with the idea of spontaneous and fluent speech that are intrinsic to the native one in terms of both pronunciation and originality ? I personally expect some better performance (as it comes to pronunciation) from a graduate with a degree in Philology/Linguistics.Did this luscious rusky canary really impress you? I'm sure she did but it wasn't the language she spoke.:)
When I said that someone "goes" like a machine-gun I drew a metaphorical analogy with someone who speaks almost like a ntive speaker.:)

Eve hit me on Skype if you think that I'm that much cry and little wool :)
But thank you for the complimnet anyway, hope you're not gonna call me all son's names? :)
When I said that someone "goes" like a machine-gun I drew a
>metaphorical analogy with someone who speaks almost like a ntive

And there is this gap that we all are striving for fulfilling throughout our lives, there's not? :)
spot on , unforunately some don't want to understand this or just can'r read between the lines and label me as yet another half-brain when they haven't even talked to me:)
>What has "every subject/aspect" got to do with the idea of spontaneous and fluent speech that are intrinsic to the native one in terms of both pronunciation and originality?

What I mean is it does NOT suffice to have a degree in philology/linguistics to always talk like a chatterbox and simultaneously be listened to, not just heard.
What follows is to be taken with your tongue your in cheek ;)

Sav, this may come as a shock to you, but....ready? Are you sure? Ok, here it comes: the world does not revolve around you (yes, I know, it's hard to swallow, but try) and not everything said/written here refers to you even if it is directly under/over/next to your post.

Trust me, some sentences are meant to be general statements with no particular person in mind.

For example this one:

Agree , this is actually what I IMPLIED between the lines:)

Look ,in the third part of the speaking test we're supposed to produce an impromptu speech in length for two minutes on a given subject, right? And obviously it's not gonna be theoretical physics or mass-energy equation but topics we know more or less about in general.They are all related to each other to some extent, scratching the surface of relationships, sociology, culture etc.
So if I'm asked a question for example "What use is art to society ?” Can I say ,- sorry nothings springs to mind, I just didn't “broach” this subject, can you ask me another one ? You would be stoned to "death" by the jury if you went something like that.:)
Got the drift Eve, sorry , sometimes I really think that the world is me because I "hate to do things" but love to digress and contemplate because , are you ready ? ..The pace of life is not that concerns me , it's the sudden stop at the end:(
warm regards
>Mind you, this is exactly what a pass candidate at this level is
>expected do

Any controversial topic?
Okay, here goes one for you: Which of the British party do you support? Why? Does its programme correspond to your Weltanschauung entirely?

/British is naturally a simple example, I could think of a way more exotic example.
I don't support these fradulent , spurious . mendacious liberal shmendricks(in the UK)and you know whom I'm alluding to.The rulling party. I think that liberalism is a mental disorder whatever you slice it.The naked raw power without any context - this is what they are striving for
But I also think that you didn't understand the main point in my previous post as you trying to peddle some irrelevant topics to ramble on them.:)
I don't know to whom you're referring to because I'm not politics.

And I DID understand your point. Ask a Brit if this is an irrelevant topic.
How long did it take you to preapare your notes about these empty-suits and lipsticks from Downing Street? You can put something to paper but it's different when you have to talk about it out of the blue without any preparation:)
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