Jako że to mój pierwszy temat i jako że też mam zamiar znaleźć tutaj kilka odpowiedzi to możesz sobie przeczytać jak wyglądało moje zadanie na bardzo podobny temat - TV i internet. Życzę miłej lektury :)
Access to satellite and Internet television does more harm than good.
Many people have strong feeling about the value of television, especially now that programmes are available through satellite and over the internet. There are those who suggest that increased access to these programmes does more harm than good. However, there are those who insist that it is a good thing.
Satellite and Internet TV does harm when people abuse it, for example when young people spend all day before the TV or computer. Most of them spend time on doing nothing special, e.g. chatting, watching or playing. People, especially children have access to programmes with unsuitable content, e.g. pornography, sex, etc. Cartoons can be too dangerous, because if a child watches only cartoons, he hasn’t contact with his peer group, hobbies or family. That child learns behavior from TV, not from real life. In the last few years we were heard about accidents, when young people killed another just because they spent a lot of time alone, sat before a computer or the TV. Life is not a game when the main hero has a few lives like in some game, and although we know this, young differently, his psyche is not full-grown.
On the other hand, satellite and internet TV is good, when people know how to use them. For example, if we have control over time which we spend before the TV or a computer, we can be sure that we aren’t addicted to it. On the TV and in the internet we can find a lot of very interesting things, which in normal life we would have a big problem finding. Programmes in other languages, for example English, can support language learning. A huge choice of programmes is available – something for every interest, for example sport, music, film, documentary channels. It gives people access to programmes around the world – the opportunity to learn about other cultures, etc.
In conclusion I think that we can and we should use power with gives us a new technology, but we can’t forget about our real life and about our real duty.