Favourite sayings

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ostatnio zastanawiam sie, nad 'sayings' ktore slysze i tym, ze niektore wchodza do pamieci tak, ze pozniej je uzywam. Ostatnio wpadlo mi:
1. This is not my first rodeo - staram sie tego uzywac, bo to mowi wszystko.
2. I've been round the block a few times.
przypomnialo mi sie to, i nawet dzisiaj slyszalam w TV.
3. Do this and Bob's your uncle.
You pays your money and you takes you choice. :-)
When the sh*t hits the fan. Ja jestem wzrokowcem :). W wersji PG jest soup
Cytat: terri
...Ostatnio wpadlo mi:
1. This is not my first rodeo - staram sie tego uzywac, bo to mowi wszystko.
2. I've been round the block a few times.

Those “sayings” do not mean everything. They mean only one thing: avoidance of saying what you really mean.
By dint of repetition, all those worn out and rather crude utterances will corrupt your mind and make you unable to complete an intelligent sentence or paragraph without resorting to them.
Hello Mr. Janski,

Still having problems with anaphora, I see.
Ja lubię (this is the) best thing since sliced bread :D
Cytat: detektywpati07
Ja lubię (this is the) best thing since sliced bread :D

Should it be "...the best thing since sliced bread" or "...best thing since sliced bread"? Which of the two do you like best? (or ...the best?).
Be brave. Say what you like best (or the best?), sliced bread or anything else.
our time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life
Cytat: Janski
Cytat: detektywpati07
Ja lubię (this is the) best thing since sliced bread :D

Should it be "...the best thing since sliced bread" or "...best thing since sliced bread"? Which of the two do you like best? (or ...the best?).
Be brave. Say what you like best (or the best?), sliced bread or anything else.

It depends!
You should rather use 'This is the best thing...'.
If you use it for example in a casual situation you can omit it, for example: 'Wow! Best thing since sliced bread!' ;P

Whether it is question about what someone likes the most, or just statement, it should be: "what (do) you like best (?)" (question) :)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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