Poprawa bledow

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Ludzie prosze poprawcie bledy w tym tekscie.To naprawde pilne i potrzebuje na jak najszybciej.

Genetically modified food is such nourishment which contains many
chemicals. They are added to food to improve it's quality. This kind of
feed has many advantages. However, eating genetically modified food is
not a bed of roses and it does have certain drawbacks that people tend
to forget about.
There is no denying that eating genetically modified food has a number
of disadvantages. Firstly, lot of people are not conscious that this
food is not appropriate for their health. Many chemicals which are part
of this feed brings about that such food might have detrimental impact
on people's resistence system. What is more, not only are there many
chemicals but very often food like this is not examined well. In a
nutshell, genetically modified food which is in our shops sometimes has
never been tasted and we do not know if we can eat it or not.
Nevertheless as the famous English proverb goes every cloud has a silver
lining. Attitude towards genetically modified food is enthusiastic. For
instance, the price of normal nourishment, especially nowadays, is
exorbitant therefore people are willing to pay less thus they choose
genetically modified food because it is simply cheaper. It turns out it
is profitable to purchase such food.In addition this kind of feed looks
and tastes better, than normal nourishment due to chemicals additions.
On balance, it seems that genetically modified food has as many
disadvantages as positive aspects.It is emotive issue but everyone is
entitled to their own viewpoint. The decision of whether to buy such
food or not, remains a matter of personal choice.

Genetically modified food is 'such' THAT nourishment which contains many
chemicals. They are added to food to improve 'it's' (prosze nie mylic it's - ktore znaczy IT IS a its-jego) quality. This kind of 'feed' FOOD has many advantages. However, eating genetically modified food is not a bed of roses and it does have certain drawbacks 'that' WHICH people tend to forget about.
Firstly, 'A' lot of people are not conscious that this food is not 'appropriate' (prosze o inne slowo) for their health. Many chemicals which are part of this 'feed' (FOOD?) 'brings' (chemicals to l. mnoga i dlatego tutaj powinno byc BRING) about (tu cos brakuje) that such food might have A detrimental impact on people's resistence system. What is more, not only are there many chemicals but very often food like this is not 'examined' (teog nie rozumiem) well. In a nutshell, genetically modified food which is in our shops sometimes has never been 'tasted' (tasted czy TESTED?) and we do not know if we can eat it or not.
For instance, the price of normal nourishment, especially nowadays, is
exorbitant 'therefore people are willing to pay less' (nie, nie, tu cos nie tak, people are seeking food for which they pay less) thus they choose
genetically modified food because it is simply cheaper.
.. nourishment due to chemicaL additions.
It is AN emotive issue, (przecinek przed but) but everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint.
>Genetically modified food is such nourishment which contains many
chemicals. They are added to food to improve it's quality.

Co prawda zawartość merytoryczna takiego wypracowania chyba się nie liczy, ale warto wiedzieć dla siebie, co to jest żywność modyfikowana genetycznie, a powyższe informacje są całkowicie błędne.


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