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Every year a number of people who become vegetarians is rising. However is it a good idea? What are disadvantages and advantages of being a vegetarian?
The main advantage is that you are in better condition and health also we can meet less risk of food illnesses. On the other hand you can have a lack of some ingredients .
The next advantage is you can show in this way that you are defense against killing animals despite you can have problem with finding a place in restaurants or feeling uncomfortable somewhere where people eat everything. Still being a vegetarian (wymaga wielu wyrzeczeń) such as very often you must go to shop with specific food where very often prices are high or aren’t a wide offer of products. It can be a huge disadvantage for some people or a motivation for others.
A further disadvantage of this type of diet you are invited to eat with friends they will be very limited to what you can eat.
To sum up I think that every method have got disadvantages and advantage therefore we should eat meat with a sense and of course not limit only for plants products. Perhaps, the healthiest option is somewhere in between.
Ja tu widzę sporo błędów...Co może być tą motywacją dla innych? Chodzenie po sklepach za jedzeniem? Nie rozumiem..."Limited" chyba w tym kontekscie nie mozesz uzyc, pare razy zdania są bez sensu, zapominasz o "that"...
Pomocy:( poprawiłam kilka rzeczy, ale nie wiem gdzie są jeszcze błędy:(

A number of people who become vegetarians is rising every year. However is it a good idea? What are disadvantages and advantages of being a vegetarian?
The main advantage is that you are in better condition and health also we can meet less risk of food illnesses. On the other hand you can have a lack of some ingredients .
The next advantage is also you can show your opinion that you are defense against killing animals. In spite of you can have problem with finding a place in restaurants or feeling uncomfortable there where people have got different opinion and eat everything. Still being a vegetarian (wymaga wielu wyrzeczeń) such as very often you must go to shop with specific food where prices are higher or aren't a wide offer of products there. It can be a huge disadvantage for some people or a motivation for others who likes challanges.
A further disadvantage of this type of diet you can are invited to eat with friends and they will be limited to what you can eat.
To sum up I think that every method have got disadvantages and advantage therefore we should eat meat with a sense and of course not limit only for plants products. Perhaps, the healthiest option is somewhere in between.
'A' THE number of people who become vegetarians is rising every year.
'However is it a good idea?' (czy to ma byc zdanie? z czym to sie laczy?)
What are THE disadvantages and advantages of being a vegetarian?
The main advantage is that you are in 'better condition' (np jaka?) and health also 'we' (dlaczego 'we?' - znaczy ze jestes czy nie jestes-za kogo mowisz-jako wegetarian?) can meet less risk of food illnesses. On the other hand 'you' (czy to do mnie?)(zmien to-albo people, albo those, albo cos, ale nie 'you') can have a lack of some ingredients .
The next advantage is also THAT you can 'show' (nie show a express) your 'opinion'? that you are 'defense' (cos tu nie tak) against killing animals.
In spite of (ale czego?) you can have 'problem' (albo A problem, albo Problems) with finding a place in restaurants (niby dlaczego?) or feeling uncomfortable 'there'(niepotr) where people have got different opinion (to znaczy jaka?) and eat everything.
Still being a vegetarian (requires many sacrifices) 'such as' (nie, nie tak tutaj IN THAT very often you must go to A shop with specific food where prices are higher or 'aren't' (co to dziwactwo tutaj robi - po pierwsze aren't to znaczy ARE NOT- i czy teraz to pasuje, chyba nie?, tu ma byc THERE IS NOT aS wide A offer of products there. It can be a huge disadvantage for some people or a motivation for others who 'likes' (likes? - prosze popraw) challanges.
A further disadvantage of this type of diet IS THAT you 'can are' (ktore wybierasz? chyba CAN) BE invited to eat with friends and they will be limited to what you can eat.
To sum up I think that every method 'have' (nie, tutaj HAS - bo method to it, a 'it' to 3ps.l.poj) got disadvantages and advantage therefore we should eat meat 'with a sense' (witha sense of what? tego napewno nie masz na mysli, tutaj SENSIBLY and of course not limit OURSELVES only 'for' (nie for a TO) 'plants' (nie vegetable?) products.