Moje opowiadanie (licze na opinie) :)

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Jak to w liceum czesto bywa , niezmiernie sie nudzilem na kilku lekcjach wiec postanowilem napisac opowiadanie po angielsku . Na szybkiego wymyslilem sobie fabułe i zaczalem pisac . Zamieszczam je ponizej , jesli ktos ma 5 minut czasu to prosze o przeczytanie i opinie ( surowa krytyka jak najmilej widziana ) Mój angielski nie jest na zbyt wysokim poziomie wiec jesli ktos znajdzie i wytknie mi bardzo rażące bledy to tez bede wdzieczny ^^ No i jak sie komus spodoba to moze napisze dalsza czesc ,a jak powiecie ze straszna chała to juz sie wiecej nie zabiore za takie rzeczy :)

Not even a single leaf was swaying on the trees in this cold ,moonless night . Two guards were patroling near the tower in Camp Taurajo . " This cold is killing me , I can feel the upcoming winter " - they were talking . " Yea , I wish we had some girls here to play with , so we could warm up " - other guard laughed and continued - " But all we got is this girl we holding hostage for spying and we can't even touch her , unless we want to get our heads cuted off by Gorn him self " . His partner noded : " Pity that we have to obey orders of that idiot. The only reason why this coward became an officer is because he is king's brother" . - "True that ,luckily , it's last night we spending here with him at this God-forsaken whole . We're gonna be at the royal castle soon and there will be plenty of girls to take care of , if you know what I mean .. ". They both laughed roughly . One of them looked at the tower . Guard who was supposed to keep watch in there was gone. "Lazy bastard... he probably got drunk and fell asleep" - said one of the guards still looking towards the tower - " He is gonna regret he ever borned .. Let's pay him a visit and give him a rough wake up .." - he said turning around so he could face his partner now . But his friend was left few yards behind ,laying in the pool of blood ,brutally slaughtered . That was the last thing the guard saw before he felt cold steel piercing through his spine . Daggers have been pulled off very slighty after that ,letting the body slowly fall on the ground . "Two parasites less " - Shadar thought ,wiping the blood off of his his daggers . With agility of cat he hid the weapons and quickly disappeared in shadows, leaving corpses as a quarry for rats . Shadar was steping through the shadows ,stealthy sneaking between the buildings ,avoiding torches sticked on the walls , as they obviously would have blown his cover .Darkness was his greatest ally . He was very close to accomplish his mission - only four more guards stood on his way . Shadar took bow off of his back and strained the arrow .One thing was certain - whoever is gonna get hit with it , he is not gonna survive . Shadar never misses with bow nor with any other weapon . He sticked to wall of the building , leaned on the corner , targeted lonely guard patroling along the narrow alley and waited for him to show of darkness , so he could aim right into his heart . Shadar was very focused and patient as always . His hand didn't shake even a little , heart was beating steady and his breath was still . Then all of sudden he heard noise right behind him . He leaned back ,going to release arrow right into enemy behind him but it was too late . Raised arm held a club and was already over his head . Impact of the hit was powerful ,Shadar fell on the ground ,losing his consciousness.

"My head... what an incredible pain " - he tried to open his eyes but they refused to work. His head felt like it had been cracked ,pulsing with pain ,hardly letting him think of anything . Heated steel touched his chest . He screamed and his eyes opened instantly due the pain but yet , he couldn't see clearly . "Wake up ,you mangy rat " -rough and firmly voice spinned in his head."You are responsible for death of out guards. For standing against royal army you will to be punished with death penalty But before it happens ,you will tell me what did you try to achieve by killing our men ." Shadar could see well now . He was tied up to pale on the courtyard ,surrounded by officer Gorn, his personal guard and few archers on the walls . Gorn referred to man on his right - "Well done job Diego , you will be generously rewarded for catching this assasin." "It was an honor for me ,sir !" . Shadar looked at Diego with furious hatred .How could he be so inattentive that he get caught by this moron? Lust for Diego's blood was so strong in him that he would give up everything to retaliate against him right now. Gorn referred to Shadar again : "Did you do that all to get to my chamber and commit an assassination attempt on me ,on king's brother and his loyal servant ? Anserw me ,you filthy assassin !.. You remain quiet , huh... ? You will regret it soon ..." He noded at the man with torture tools . "He is all yours " . Torturer started moving slowly towards his victim , holding pincers in his hands and carrying a devil smile on his face ,like he waited for these words forever . But Shadar was unusually calmed. He noticed few seconds earlier that archers on the walls are gone. "They are here" - he thought and smiled. In this moment ,a quiet whistle was hearable. Arrow pierced chest of torturer and few other guards. The ones that survived stood distraced for few seconds - it was enough time for highly trained assassins to get to them and cut their throats . One of the assassin cuted Shadar's ties and freed him ,quickly tossing him two daggers. Shadar obsessed with lust of vengece started chasing Diego who tried to run away in fear. Few seconds later Diego's head slowly rolled down the courtyard. Gorn has been captured by assassins . Shadar came back to them and talked to man who freed him : "Thank you Aranter ,I would be dead by now without your help." Aranter smiled :"Never mind this, you know very well that our brotherhood would fight for you till last drop of blood ." "So would I for brotherhood. What's the status on our mission?" "We got only ten men here ,including you and me. I sent three of them to get Ashley out of prison ,they should be here any second now . We gotta hold Gorn hostage ,he his our only way to get out of here . There are over 60 guards who slept in barracks and for sure they are awake by others now , whole Camp Taurajo knows that we are here ." "Alright ,so we should get moving as soon as Ashley gets here . Look Aranter ,I'm sorry I failed ,we could have get her out of prison without getting any attention till morning and ..." Aranter interrupted him :"Don't even go in there ,it supposed to be a group mission since it had been planned but you volunteered to infiltrate this camp alone and you almost succeeded , you are one of our best men .You almost accomplished what was impossible." Three assassins with Ashley runned out from the building before Shadar had a chance to reply. The girl jumped right into Shadar's arms and they remained in this tender hug for few seconds. He gently wiped tears from her cheeks. They didn't say a single word but the way they were acting and looking at each other was leaving no doubts. "Ashley ,Shadar..." Bonhart's voice reminded them of the situation they were in . Shadar grabbed Ashely's hand and held it tight . "Alright ,let's go ". They left courtyard ,moving to middle part of the Camp Taurajo . Over 60 warriors awaited them there . Each of them equiped with plate armor ,wielding 2 -hand weapon or shield and sword . Assassin were greatly outnumbered by them , they stood no chance against them in open combat . Aranter put the dagger against Gorn's throat and yelled loud so everyone could hear him : "Don't even try to charge towards us ,if you do , I swear I'll cut Gorn's throat and I can assure you that King is not gonna be happy when he hears about you letting his brother die ! " Warriors hesitated for a moment . "Do what he says , give him what he wants and he will let me go free ! " - Gorn squealed like a little pig which is going for slaughter. "Alright, now all of you ,hide your weapons and get us to stables ." Warriors had no choice but to obey orders of Aranter . Few minutes later they were at stables . Guards prepared mounts as Aranter earlier told them to do . Assassins grabbed torches brought up by guards as well and mounted up ,two persons per horse . Shadar helped Ashely get on the mount and he jumped on it right after her . She wrapsed her arms tight around him and layed her head on his shoulder . They didn't have a chance to be so close together for a long time . For this short moment , Shadar seemed to be drifting away but Ashely's soft voice brought him back to reality :" We have to go ,my darling .." The gate was already opened . Aranter was on mount with Gorn ,sitting behind him ,still holding dagger close to his throat . One by one mounts started leaving Camp Taurajo ,till last one with Ashley and Shadar crossed the gate. They determined earlier with guards to set Gorn free 200 yards away from the camp. Aranter whispered to Gorn's ear :"Thank you for getting us out of here...but you are no longer use for us .." Cold steel cuted Gorn's throat and his body fell on the ground . "Run ,run ,run !" Aranter yelled and they rushed towards nearby forest. Rain of arrows shooted by archers from camp fell very close to them ,but no one got hurt. Shadar looked back . Warriors were very close ,chasing them on mounts . But assassins already entered the forest . They stoped and threw torches behind them . Grass earlier soaked with oil got on fire instantly ,spreading the fire on nearby bushes and trees ,creating a huge wall of fire impossible to pass. Shadar ,Ashley ,Aranter and rest of the assassins disappeared in dark forest,leaving the chase behind them .
na marginesie, zajrzyj do tabeli"irregular verbs"(shooted,runned out,sticked,cuted,borned etc.);najbardziej ciekawi mnie co 'She' zrobiła z głową???:'layed her head on his shoulder'


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