request to check my essay

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Zdarza się , że zostajemy sami w domu na dzień lub dłużej. Dla jednych to raj, dla innych strach i smutek. Napisz rozprawkę rozważając blaski i cienie przebywania w domu bez rodziny i znajomych.
Sometimes we have to stay alone in the house for one day or longer without our relatives. For some of people such perspective appears like a paradise neverthless for others it is a traumatic experience. How do you think what are the bright sides and negative aspects of staying alone at home?
The first advantange is that when you are alone at home you can do whatever you want for example you can lie in the bed longer or eat a pizza on your breakfast and you do not have to clean up your room. Moreover, you do not hear your parents complaining and you do not have to look after your siblings. The last but not least, you have a chance to organise a party for your friends and have a good fun together.
On the other hand, there are also some drawbacks of staying alone at home for example you may feel less safety in the night. Besides, you can be lonely because there is nobody to talk to during a day. Furthermore, you have to count only on yourself in difficult situations.
Taking all facts into consideration, I can state that staying alone at house has as many positive aspects as disadvantages. I believe that people' behaviour while are they staying alone depends on their character. Some of them are loners but others can not live without companionship.
For some 'of' (niepotr) people such perspective appears like 'a' (niepotr) paradise, neverthless for others it is a traumatic experience.
'How' WHAT (nie how-jak?) do you think 'what' (niepotr) are the bright 'sides' (niepotr) and negative aspects of staying alone at home?
The first advantange is that when you are alone at home you can do
whatever you want for example you can lie in 'the' (niepotr) bed longer or eat a
pizza 'on' FOR your breakfast and you do not have to clean up your room.
The last but not least, you have a chance to organise a party for your friends and have 'a' (niepotr) good fun together.
On the other hand, there are also some drawbacks of staying alone
at home for example you may feel less 'safety' SAFER in the night. Besides,
you can be lonely because there is nobody to talk to during 'a' THE day.
I believe that peopleS behaviour while are they staying alone depends on
>their character.
dziekuje ci bardzo:)


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