'Closed' (zle slowo, napisales 'zamkniete'- a chyba nie to masz na mysli) your eyes and try to imagine: it's two o'clock and you suddenly 'woke' (zly czas) up in a dark room just before you were about to kiss Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie , the moon is shining brightly, you hear some strange noise, (przecinek przed but) but you are probably too lazy to check it, after a while you make a difficult decision to stand up, moving slowly with only one eye opened, you see your 'brother's' (my brother's C?) standing next to (tu cos brakuje) door and
to your surprise he's trying to put on his jacket.
...To zdanie jest ZA dlugie.
It's a typical situation which 'happen' (dostosuj czasownik do rzeczownika) to people called sleepwalkers.
'The' (niepotr) somnambulism is a name of this incredible phenomenon. The
statistics 'have showed' (zly czas, one to teraz pokazuja) that over 10 % of people (tu cos brakuje) had a similar problem at least once in their life. Interestingly, those people have their eyes opened, (przecinek przed but) but they are not aware of what they are doing and after all they don't even remember it.
During sleeping somnabulists are able to do almost 'everything' ANYTHING . The
accidents with their 'precipitation' (zle slowo) may seem to be incredible. For
instance in Australia a middle-aged woman woke up every night, went
outside (tu cos brakuje) house and 'have' (tutaj piszesz o czasie przeszlym, co ona robila) 'a' (niepotr) sex with a 'stranger man' (nei, pomysl co chcesz napisac, albo' with a stranger' albo 'with a strange man' Tu jest duza roznica). Another amazing example was a case of Ann 'Rayan' RYAN who put on 'weight about 30 kilograms' (napisz to inaczej...about 30kg in weight), (tu cos brakuje) being on a diet. Later on 'she' IT turned out that she was eating a pack of chocolates every night. In 1987 a young boy traveled by train (tu cos brakuje) about 160 kilometers before he woke up.
In Iowa a young student went ONto (tu cos braskuje)motorway and he was knocked over by lorry.
The most terrifying accident happened in Boston when Albert Tirell cut off
his girlfriend's head who was a prostitute, then set a fire to a
place where she worked and escaped to New OrleanS. (to chyba znaczy, ze wiedzial DOKLADNIE co robi-)
In many 'trails' (Zle slowo-popraw) somnambulism was used as 'defend' (zla czesc mowy, tutaj DEFENCE) line by lawyers.
Importantly this state may last for a few minutes (przecinak przed but) but also for a couple of hours like in (tu cos brakuje) examples above.
There is no regular treatment to beat it (przecinak przed but) but doctors
recommend psychotherapy, relaxing techniques and taking antidepressant
pills. In some countries people with (tu cos brakuje) sleeping disorder cannot join the army. Nowadays (przecinek) 'the' (niepotr) sleepwalking is still (tu cos brakuje) mystery for researchers and needs to be explained.