I want to give an opinion about the latest film produced by S.Tym, called 'Ryś'
I went yesterday to the cinema, which was overcrowded, to see that film.
From the begining I noticed I can't compare it to the one called 'Miś' so I started to think about it as a completely different piece of work.
Since that moment, I must say I enjoy that film more and more. Of course I wsn't laughing all the time, but there were many moments, when people almost shouted to show their excitement. There were many good text, which I think many people will remember. But also there weremany things, many scenes when introduced characters reminded those who really are alive. I don't think I'd be the only one who think that there were some similarities between characters and for example Father Rydzyk or MP Beger (I'm not sure about spellings of those surnames). I noticed that nowadays film productions in Poland are very similar to each other. You couldn't rid of that impression that some of the plots are from another film.
To sum up I can say that the film 'Ryś' is a good idea to choose. But with all respect I'm not sure if it's worth spending your money, to go to the cinema. You probably ask me why. The film is long, more than 2hours 30minutes.
Maybe you have a different opinion about that film, share with it if you want to :-)