Sprawdzenie artykułu - rozszerzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Matura 2015. Temat 2
Temat: Oglądałeś(-aś) ostatnio mecz, podczas którego jeden z zawodników złamał zasady fair
play. Napisz artykuł, w którym opiszesz tę sytuację, i uzasadnisz, dlaczego zwalczanie
nieuczciwego zachowania sportowców jest niezbędne.
Czas: ~40min. 249 słów.

Does fairplay still matter in sport?

Rules of fair play are one of the most important things in sport. Getting some penalties can occur in breaking them. Nowdays, fewer players decide to bend the rules of the game, however this phenomenom is still up-to-date. Have you ever witnessed somebody breaking fairplay rules?

Imagine you are at your friend's soccer match. Sudenly he is fouled and lying on the ground in great pain. You know that if the other player had abided rules nothing bad would have happened. I was a witness of similiar situation last week. I saw my friend being pushed by the opposite team player. I was pretty mad about that and decided to write an article about fighting unfair behaviour of athlets. I find it neccesery to raise such topics. People should be aware of the danger caused by the unfair actions against others. For instance, there are plenty of videos on youtube showing fatal sport injuries which happened because of the reckless and dynamic play.
Today's sport, more then ever protect the rules of fairplay. Thanks to advance technological devices the number of injuries has been decresing in recent years. That's why it is so important to manufacture and develop new devices that can help us fighting unfair behaviours.

The point that I am trying to make is that rules keep game safe for players, and this is the most important thing. Therefore we should all be aware of possible danger that can take place.

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abided np followed the...
'Getting some penalties' (cos tu nie tak, to jest za bardzo po polsku) can occur in breaking them. 'Nowdays' (ortog), fewer players decide to bend the rules of the game, however this 'phenomenom' (ortog) 'is still up-to-date' (to niema sensu, lepiej 'does still occur'). Have you ever witnessed somebody breaking 'fairplay' (ortog) rules?

Imagine (ja lubie tutaj dac 'that') you are at your friend's soccer match. 'Sudenly' (ortog) he is fouled and lying on the ground in great pain. You know that if the other player had abided (tutaj cos brakuje, albo przedimek 'the' albo 'by the') rules nothing bad would have happened. I was a witness of (przedimek) 'similiar' (ortog) situation last week.
I was pretty mad about that and decided to write an article about fighting unfair behaviour of 'athlets.' (ortog) I find it 'neccesery' (ortog) to raise such topics.
For instance, there are plenty of videos on youtube (musisz wytlumaczyc co to jest, np social media) showing fatal sport injuries which happened because of 'the' (niepotr) reckless and dynamic play.
Today's sport, more then ever 'protect' (tutaj sport-3os.l.poj) the rules of fair play. Thanks to (przedimek) advance (brakuje 'os') technological devices the number of injuries has been 'decresing'(ortog) in recent years. .

The point 'that I am trying to make' (tutaj mozesz inaczej..worth considering') is that rules keep (brak przedimka 'moze 'the') game safe for players, and this is the most important thing.

Uwazaj na ortog (spelling) no i na przedimki.
Rules of fair play are one of the most important things in sport. Their main role is to keep players safe. Breaking them may lead to getting penalties. Nowadays, fewer players decide to bend the rules of the game, however this phenomenon does still occur. Have you ever witnessed somebody breaking fair play rules?

Imagine that you are at your friend's soccer match. Suddenly he is fouled and lying on the ground in great pain. You know that if the other player had abided the rules nothing bad would have happened. I was a witness of a similiar situation last week. I saw my friend being pushed by the opposite team player.
I was pretty mad about that and decided to write an article about fighting unfair behaviour of athletes. I find it necessary to raise such topics. People should be aware of the danger caused by the unfair actions against others. For instance, there are plenty of videos on the social media showing fatal sport injuries which happened because of reckless and dynamic play.
Today's sport, more then ever protects the rules of fair play. Thanks to the advanced technological devices the number of injuries has been decreasing in recent years. That's why it is so important to manufacture and develop new devices that can help us fighting unfair behaviours.

It is worth considering to keep games rule safe for players. After all this is the most important thing on the playing field. Therefore we should all be aware of possible danger that can take place.

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had abided the rules = had accepted the rules - doesn't fit your context.