Bardzo proszę kogoś o sprawdzenie tych essejów do wieczora....Jutro piszę maturę. A te eseje to moja próba generalna -
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1.) Wiele osób twierdzi że zjawisko przestępczości nasila się i że jedynym wyjściem z tej sytuacji jest stosowanie jeszcze surowszych kar. Napisz rozprawkę, która zawierać będzie twoją opinię na ten temat.
Nowadays most people belived that phenomenon of crime is still increasing and that we can fight with them only by establischemt much more servere penalty.
Introducing a severer punishment have many advatages. It is, nevertheless, not without problem.
The main advantage of higher penalty is that it should help to avoid many crime. Lot of criminals wouldn’t make a crime becouse they didn’t like to get heavier sentence.
What is more it could deter every human from even think about how to make a crime. So criminals of every description propably could disappear.
Finally, severer low make happen that public order will increase highly as people will start to be more aware of public order.
Although introducing a severer low have many advantages it has also very serious drawback.
Firstly it make happen that people will be scared of this stirict low. All society will fell bad with consciousness of big consequesnces of possible transgressing legal order.
Secondly this change need building a new prison and it need exorbitant money.
Furthermore in the case of mistaken sentence, person will spend a long time in prison innocently.
On balance it seems that we have a great numers of advantages and disadvantages and it’s hard to decide if introducing a severer penalty for crime is good whether bad idea.
Accordig to me establishing a heavier low is should make limit crime happen what is very important nowadays. (230 words)
2.) Wielu ludzi wierzy że środowisko naturalne jest zagrożone. Napisz rozprawkę, podając przykłady wspierające twoje argumenty i sugerując, co można zrobić, by uniknąć powstawania niebezpieczeństw w przyszłości.
Many people belived that the envirnoment is threaten and there is a lot of truth in this statment. We all see that the process of urbanization and industralization progress faster and faster. It has destructive inflence on the envirnoment.
It would appear that the environment is so enormous that it impossilble to destroy it easy. It is false convinction as scientifist prove that if we do not stop destroying environment then it became too small to maintain natural earth biosystem and then great catastrophy could happen.
What is more many of them predict that have about only fifty years to chnge completely becous after that time climate will be so hot that glacial fromk polar pole will melt and much of European and America continent will be flooded.
Futhermore even spirituals person from all over the world and clairvoyant together exhort authorities to stop destroying environment and.warn them of terrible consequences of this ignorance.
As we could see it really important and urgent issue. What we can do to prevent catastrophe from happen?
Firstly we should take care of our nearest natural surrounder. We have to try to maintain cleanness in the street where we live. It’ s a good idea to buying prodact with mark of recycling. What is more, it would be great if you using more public transport than cars as cars generate much more pollution.
Nowadays issue of protection of environment turns out to be urgent and we all have to decide if we would like to life in safe, clean and beautifull planet or not and start to protect our Earth Mother. (260 words)