A person who 'have' (HAS, a person HAS) 'bug' (ortog) influence in my life is my mother.
She is very important to me, because she 'accompany' (she readS, she writeS, *she accompany, czy nie widzisz cos nie tak?) me in THE difficult 'moment' (tutaj l. mnoga) of my life.
My mum is not very 'high' TALL, (buildings are high, ludzie sa TALL) person. She 'has got' (co tu takie bzdury wypisujesz, to tak samo jak *I have got 18 years - popraw i wiecej tego nie pisz) about 160 'centimetre' (cm)
'high' TALL and I think she is quite slim. Also she has 'a' (dlaczego dajesz 'a' przed l. mnnoga '*a eyes') big, blue eyes and A small nose with a lot of freckles.
She likes wear TO sport clothes for example T-shirt and trousers. I
guess she 'fill' (wypelnia - co to za slowo - popraw) comfortable in 'this' (ale to odnosi sie do 'clothes'-l. mn- THESE) kind of clothes. But when where 'is' (co to slowo tutaj robi?-napisz odpowiednie) some occasion or 'she have' (Kurcze blade - klto to was tak uczy, she HAS) to go to 'the' (niepotr) work 'she wear' (a o czasonikach 3os.l.poj tez zapominasz?) elegant clothes,
like A jacket and skirt.
Her best 'characteristic is funny, but responsible person' (to niema sensu, pomysl co chcesz napisac i napisz dokladnie). She is very hard working, she 'hate boring' (a jakie to DIY jobs ona wykonuje, ze musi robic 'boring'- prosze zaczac rozpoznawac czesci zdania i zmienic to) she 'always must' (zla kol slow) do something 'the more' (nie rozumiem tego uzycia tutaj) she is very talkative. She 'wanted' (ale kiedy wczoraj, rok temu- popraw czas) to know everything, because 'she love' (znowu czasownik 3os.l.poj - prosze nie robic podstawowych bledow!) gossip. I think she is AN honest and A loyal friend. She always 'have' (znowu *she have' co to ty w tej szkole robisz - to 1sza lekcja ang- a ty dalej nie pojmujesz) 'a good advance' (*tego nie rozumiem), so I know that I can turn to her when I have a problem.
Everyday she gets up early in the morning, abut 7' o clock and 'than' (ortog)
she goes with our dog for a walk. Later 'she do' (a to co? jakies cos nowego - popraw) some housework and she must go to 'the' (niepotrz) work. She has got A 'shoes' SHOE shop. After work 'she like' (prosze popraw - to mi zadnej przuyjemnosci nie daje, a TY dalej nie pojmujesz 3os.l.poj) TO do some sport, for example swimming or walking. She loves plants, 'she have' (prosze to zmienic) A beautiful garden.
My mum is A very interesting person.
She always take (znowu 'she take' - a co o czasownikach 3os.l.poj?) care 'for' OF our family. Often 'she worry' SHE WORRIES about the future, but when something goes 'bad' (znajdz inne slowo) she always have a good solution.
She always 'have' (znowu 'she have' co to z tym u ciebie jest?) time for me and
I can't imagine life without her.