Cytat: 007milka007
Podepnę się do tematu.
I have been living here all my life - mieszkam tu całe swoje życie (mieszkałam w przeszłości i mieszkam nadal)
I have lived here all my life - mieszkałem tutaj całe swoje życie (ale juz nie mieszkam bo przed chwilą się wyprowadziłam)
Czy dobrze to rozumiem?
(1) I have been living here all my life.
(2) I have lived here all my life.
The only difference between (1) and (2) is this:
(1): you have lived here a full, dynamic life (the more dynamic the life, the more justified the continuous would be; you were a bad girl, for example; the things you did(!) still figure prominently in your memories), and your present mood reflects that
(2): your retrospect is more composed and balanced.
True in both cases: either you live here now (but you are considering moving out, which would yield a continuative interpretation of the perfect) or you returned here very shortly after moving out. (Your new life hasn't started yet at the new place? In your heart of hearts, this place is still you home?) That would be an experiential interpretation.
Neither says you don't live here now.