4. His most remarkable (REMARK – uwaga ) achievement(osiągnięcie) was the … development (Develop- rozwijać się) of the periodic table(tablica okresowa).
5. Betty claims – (roszczenie, prawo, zapewnienie)Mr. Brown is a (RALY- liczyć, opierać się ) reliable person, but I am rather(raczej, dość) doubtful (Doubt- wątpliowść, zwątpienie) about it.
6. Parks in large cities are usually (USUAL) thought of as refuges, as islands of green in a concrete desert. But High Line Park in the neigbourhood(NEIGHBOUR)of Chelsea New York looks incomplete… (Complete) different. Walking on High Line is different (Differ) from any other experience in New York. It is an unatractive (ATTRACT) steal structure turned into an innovative (INNOVATE) and inviting public park.
7. Alex was so maturing (MATURE – dojrzały, dorosły ) for his age that his parents seriously (SERIOUS) considered(rozważony, przemyślany) giving him home education.
8. Even thought most bacteria are invisible (VISIBLE - widoczny), there is one called Thiomargarita namibiensis which is considerably (CONSIDER- rozważyć, uważać ) big with is.
Tu mam problem czy considerably czy considerable.