Książki po angielsku.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej. Mam taki mały problemik. Mój poziom angielskiego to FCE. Mam jednak problemy z czytaniem książek w oryginale. Próbowałam czytać ksiazki z serii Penguin Readers, ale okazały się za trudne. Musiałam czytać akapity po kilak razy, zaglądac do słownika. Było to bardzo męczące i po kilku stronach odkładałam książkę.
Książeczki z tekstem uproszczonym level 6 nie stanowią dla mnie problemu. Czytam je chętnie i szybko, nie musze korzystać ze słownika. Chciałabym przejść na wyższy poziom, jednak z tego co wiem, nie ma już książek uproszczonych na wyższym poziomie. Dalej można czytać już tylko oryginały. Nie wiem jak mam przeskoczyć z mojego obecnego poziomu na poziom oryginałów. Oczywiście, cały czas ucze sie angielskiego w szkole i dodatkowo (choć teraz mam przerwe - wakacje), jednak chodzi mi konkretnie o czytanie. Macie jakieś pomysły?
a czytalas Harryego Pottera??? mysle ze nie jest zbyt ciezki. jak zaczynalam pierwsza czesc to na poczatku bylo troche ciezko ale potem juz z gorki. w koncu to ksiazka napisana dla dzieci wiec nie moze byc zbyt trudna. naprawde polecam!!!

pozdrawiam :)
Nie, nie próbowałam. Chciałam spróbować z ostatnią częścią, ale nie udało mi się jej zdobyć, a szkoda było mi pieniążków na kupienie nowej po ang. (nie wiedziałam nawet, czy dam rade przeczytać). Znasz jakieś inne niezbyt trudne ksiązki po ang.?
czytałam A LITTLE PRINCESS by F. H. Burnett i wydaje mi sie ze nie jest trudna. a co do pottera to I czesc nie jest droga ok 35zl (a czasami mozna znalezc po przecenie albo gdzies kupic uzywana w antykwariacie). wejdz na allegro i tam poogladaj ksiazki. moze kupic calkiem tanio. np. książki Josephine Cox nie sa trudne do czytania. jak jeszcze przypomni mi sie jakas ksiazka to napisze

pozdrawiam :)
Może następnego Pottera uda mi sie zdobyć in English. A póki co, to poszukam w bibliotece tej Josephine Cox. Dzięki.:)
powiem tak ma podobny problem te zenujace umproszcone ksiazki juz mi sie pzrejadly a do egzemplarzy pelnowartosciowych tez znam za malo slowek... pozodtawj uczyc sie slowek z profesora henia 3 i 4 opanujesz te 10.000 i z gorki co potera to w antykwariantach w orhinale kupisz ja za 7-8 zloty zreszta sciganij sobie e-booka :) rowling jest za bogata a co:P:P:P ;)
powiem tak ma podobny problem te zenujace umproszcone ksiazki juz mi sie pzrejadly a do egzemplarzy pelnowartosciowych tez znam za malo slowek... pozodtawj uczyc sie slowek z profesora henia 3 i 4 opanujesz te 10.000 i z gorki co potera to w antykwariantach w orhinale kupisz ja za 7-8 zloty zreszta sciganij sobie e-booka :) rowling jest za bogata a co:P:P:P ;)
no apropos chorego portiera dam ci maly sampelego z 6 czesci podaj to se looknij i se zobacz czy Ci pasi poziomem

Harry Potter Book 6rnThe Half-Blood PrincernChapter 1: The Other MinisterrnIt was nearing midnight and the Prime Minister was sitting alone in his office, reading arnlong memo that was slipping through his brain without leaving the slightest trace ofrnmeaning behind. He was waiting for a call from the President of a far distant country, andrnbetween wondering when the wretched man would telephone, and trying to suppressrnunpleasant memories of what had been a very long, tiring, and difficult week, there wasrnnot much space in his head for anything else. The more he attempted to focus on the printrnon the page before him, the more clearly the Prime Minister could see the gloating face ofrnone of his political opponents.
tam bylo duzo literowek wiec lykaj nowy frgament

Since they have moved into the
open, they have been wreaking havoc. TheBrockdaleBridge --he did it, Prime Minister,
he threatened a mass Muggle killing unless I stood aside for him and--"
"Good grief, so it's your fault those people were killed and I'm having to answer
questions about rusted rigging and corroded expansion joints and I don't know what
else!" said the Prime Minister furiously.
"My fault!" said Fudge, coloring up. "Are you saying you would have caved in to
blackmail like that?"
"Maybe not," said the Prime Minister, standing up and striding about the room, "but I

Mr. and Mrs. Dursley, of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were
perfectly normal, thank you very much. They were the last people you’d expect to be
involved in anything strange or mysterious, because they just didn’t hold with such
Mr. Dursley was the director of a firm called Grunnings, which made drills. He was a
big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very large mustache. Mrs.
Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of neck, which came
in very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden fences, spying on the
neighbors. The Dursleys had a small son called Dudley and in their opinion there was no
finer boy anywhere.
The Dursleys had everything they wanted, but they also had a secret, and their
greatest fear was that somebody would discover it. They didn’t think they could bear it if
anyone found out about the Potters. Mrs. Potter was Mrs. Dursley’s sister, but they hadn’t
met for several years; in fact, Mrs. Dursley pretended she didn’t have a sister, because her
sister and her good-for-nothing husband were as unDursleyish as it was possible to be.
The Dursleys shuddered to think what the neighbors would say if the Potters arrived in
the street. The Dursleys knew that the Potters had a small son, too, but they had never
even seen him. This boy was another good reason for keeping the Potters away; they
didn’t want Dudley mixing with a child like that.
When Mr. and Mrs. Dursley woke up on the dull, gray Tuesday our story starts, there
was nothing about the cloudy sky outside to suggest that strange and mysterious things
dziękuję bardzo za fragmenty Pottera. ten kawałek z I czesci wydaje sie bardzo przystepnie napisany. Tylko obawiam sie, że środek ksiazki moze byc trudniejszy. No ale mam nadziejje, że mój angielski sie poprawi do ukazania 7 czesci harrego i wtedy przeczytam ja bez problemów.:)
wieczorem wrzuce srodekto zobacysz:)
i prosze kolejna cześć ze srodka jak sobie zyczylaś :)


“You want to go first? Are you sure?” said Ron. “I don’t know how deep this thing
goes. Give the flute to Hermione so she can keep him asleep.”
Harry handed the flute over. In the few seconds’ silence, the dog growled and
twitched, but the moment Hermione began to play, it fell back into its deep sleep.
Harry climbed over it and looked down through the trapdoor. There was no sign of
the bottom.
He lowered himself through the hole until he was hanging on by his fingertips. Then
he looked up at Ron and said, “If anything happens to me, don’t follow. Go straight to the
owlery and send Hedwig to Dumbledore, right?”
“Right,” said Ron.
“See you in a minute, I hope …”
And Harry let go. Cold, damp air rushed past him as he fell down, down, down and

FLUMP. With a funny, muffled sort of thump he landed on something soft. He sat up
and felt around, his eyes not used to the gloom. It felt as though he was sitting on some
sort of plant.
“It’s okay!” he called up to the light the size of a postage stamp, which was the open
trapdoor, “it’s a soft landing, you can jump!”
mniemam ze to nie za trudny text :) wiesz ze slowkami jest tak ...czytasz 10 i nagle 3 kolejne sa ciemna plama ale to 8000 znać powinnas:) moze ty nam cos polecisz cos wyszukałaś ciekawego:) czekammy na Cibei i innych:) pozdrawiam:)
I JUZ OSTANI FRAGMENT KTORY DA CALOKSZTAŁTOWE MNIEMANIE zarowno o slownictwie jak i konstrukcjach gramatycznych w slawnym chorym portierze:P chcilabym jeszcze nadmiec ze ostania czesc zdaje sie byc bardzie rozbudowana zatem amy tendencje rosnaca:) jezli chodzi o poziom slowek i zwrotow :)

Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but Harry had always
been small and skinny for his age. He looked even smaller and skinnier than he really
was because all he had to wear were old clothes of Dudley’s, and Dudley was about four
times bigger than he was. Harry had a thin face, knobbly knees, black hair, and bright
green eyes. He wore round glasses held together with a lot of Scotch tape because of all
the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. The only thing Harry liked about his own
appearance was a very thin scar on his forehead that was shaped like a bolt of lightning.
He had had it as long as he could remember, and the first question he could ever
remember asking his Aunt Petunia was how he had gotten it.
“In the car crash when your parents died,” she had said. “And don’t ask questions.”
Don’t ask questions— that was the first rule for a quiet life with the Dursleys.
jak chceice cos poczytac w orginele to A.Christi ma doscy duzo ciekawych ksiazek napisanych dosyc prostym jezykiem. mi ta autorke polecila moja anglistka i zeczywiscie jestem bardzo zadowolona. ksiazki nie sa zbyt dlugie i dosyc wciagajace jesli ktos lubi kryminaly. milego czytania
Uwielbiam Agathe Christie. Jej ksiazki mogłabym czytać dniami i nocami :) Próbowałam przeczytać kilka lat temu jej książke po angielsku, ale bez powodzenia. Myslałam, że jej dziela sa pisane raczej trudnym jezykiem i dlatego nie siegałam po nie ponownie.Ale skoro mówisz, ze jest inaczej, to moze sprobuje.

Co do Pottera, to faktycznie - fragment czyta sie przyjemnie i bezproblemowo. O co chodzi z tymi 8000 słowek?? Czyzby tyle bylo w ksiazce?
skoro lubisz A.Christi to powinnas sprobowac bo to naprawde nie sa trudne ksiazki. ja tez nie jestem na zbyt wysokim poziomie bo dopiero bede zaczynala przygotowania do FCE a sobie z nimi radze. na poczatek mozesz sprobowac czytania w dwoch jezykach np. po jjednym rozdziale. wiesz jeden rozdzial po angielsku i pozniej ten sam popolsku tak dla porownania zeby sprawdzic ile dobrze zrozumialas
Hmm HP jest lajtowy wg mnie owszem znajduja sie slowka dosc trudne(czytaj nietypowe) ale wg mnie nie ma problemu w zrozumieniu. NIe wiem jaki jest moj poziom, wkazdym badz razie rok temu probowalem ugryzc HP5 and the order of the phoenix. NOi tak nie szlo, obecnie nie mam wiekszego problemu, przeczytalem ponad 200 stron i nie uwazam aby jezyk byl az tak wybujale trudny. Kwestia podejscia. Nalezy sie wczuc w ksiazke odizolowac od otoczenia, gdyz to pomaga !! Osobiscie polecam HP, naprawde warto. Aktualnie albo drukne 6 bo czytalem tylko 4 rozdzialy ;-p ale rowniez przystepne takze do dziela ;-)
8000 slow ---> dla mnie taka znajomosc slownictwa jest dolna granica przy ktorej czytanie Harego ma sens, ponizej napotkasz powazne problemy ze zrozumieniem co odbierze przyjemnosc czytania:) coz Agata prosta hmmm niekoniecznie...strukturyowszem slowka ..to zalezy od książki...to ze polskim tlumaczniu nie wydaje sie to lottne i tworcze po wzgledem jezyka nie znaczy ze nie bedzie trudne w angielskim:)

zreszta sami oceńcie:) mowimy oczywiscie /trudny/ z poziomu FCE I PONIZEJ:)

Lots of chaps talking at the club one day, you know, and a chap began telling a story. Medical man he was. One of his cases. Young fellow came and knocked him up in the middle of the night. His wife had hanged herself. They hadn't got a telephone, so after the chap had cut her down and done what he could, he'd got out his car and hared off looking for a doctor. Well, she wasn't dead but pretty far gone. Anyway, she pulled through. Young fellow seemed devoted to her. Cried like a child. He'd noticed that she'd been odd for some time, fits of depression and all that. Well, that was that. Everything seemed all right. But actually, about a month later, the wife took an overdose of sleeping stuff and passed out. Sad case." Major Palgrave paused, and nodded his head several times. Since there was obviously more to come Miss Marple waited. "And that's that, you might say. Nothing there. Neurotic woman, nothing out of the usual. But about a year later, this medical chap was swapping yarns with a fellow medico, and the other chap told him about a woman who'd tried to drown herself, husband got her out, got a doctor, they pulled her round-and then a few weeks later she gassed herself. Well, a bit of a coincidence-eh? Same sort of story. My chap said: 'I had a case rather like that. Name of Jones-(or whatever the name was)-What was your man's name?' 'Can't remember. Robinson I think. Certainly not Jones.' Well, the chaps looked at each other and said it was pretty odd. And then my chap pulled out a snapshot. He showed it to the second chap. 'That's the fellow,' he said. 'I'd gone along the next day to check up on the particulars, and I noticed a magnificent species of hibiscus just by the front door, a variety I'd never seen before in this country. My camera was in the car and I took a photo. Just as I snapped the shutter the husband came out of the front door so I got him as well. Don't think he realised it. I asked him about the hibiscus but he couldn't tell me its name.' Second medico looked at the snap. He said: 'It's a bit out of focus-but I could swear-at any rate I'm almost sure it's the same man!' Don't know if they followed it up. But if so they didn't get anywhere. Expect Mr. Jones or Robinson covered his tracks too well. But queer story, isn't it? Wouldn't think things like that could happen."
Hmm 3ba czytac to co sie lubi i to co wciaga. Pisalem wczesniej ze wezme sie za HP 6- skonczylem go czytac i przyznam ze wciagajacy. Poprzednie 5 czesci czytalem po Polsq (ostatnio jednak 5 in inglisz) ale 6 in english byla naprawde tak samo wciagajaca i ciekawa jak poprzednie. Czytajac ksiazke ktora sie podoba nie zastanawia sie az tak bardzo nad znaczeniem slowa, gdyz owe znaczenie samo sie nasuwa. Wg mnie HP 6 to bardzo dobra pozycja, warta przeczytania. Co prawda jest tam wiele opisow ! takze jak kto lubi ale sama akcje mozna bez problemu zrozumiec.

Moze ktos podzieli sie jeszcze jakimis tytulami, ktore sprawiaja ze zapominacie o wszyskim czytajac.
jesli temat nadal aktualny to polecam przeczytac "the chronicles of narnia" c.s. lewis'a. naprawde prosta(w koncu dla dzieci:P)
to moze polecicie cos jeszcze?
albo znacie jakies strony skad mozna by pobrac dosyc proste ksiazki z netu?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.