jedno amerykańskie wyrażenie

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Bardzo proszę Was o podanie polskiego znaczenia amerykańskiego wyrażenia,za co góry Wam dziękuję.Pozdrawiam.Hanka.
"to snap on the ol'(old) bali and chain"
zbluzgać swoją starą/starego
tzn. odezwać się niegrzecznie do współmałżonka
Gdzie slyszalac takie wyrazenie? Podaj tez jakie okolicznosci towarzyszyly temu wyrazeniu. Osobiscie nigdy nigdy slyszalem takiego zwrotu i mysle ze nie ma takiego idiomu. Sam zwrot znaczy "zalozyc swoja ulubiona bizuterie"
Snap on - zapinanie bizuterii przy jej zakladaniu
ol' = old - used to express affection or familiarity
bali - rodzaj bizuterii, lancuszkow, naszyjnikow, itp.
chain - lancuszek

To mg: I don't agree with your meaning of the expression but having a great respect for you and admiration for your high level of the language I can't not consider it. Please tell me where you heard it.
While I've never heard the whole phrase, I know that:
1. 'ball and chain' is an American colloquialism for a wife/husband (yes, I might have corrected the typo in the first place)
2. the meaning of 'snap on sbd' was quite clear to me in this context
Does that figure?

but having a
>great respect for you

Very much reciprocated, Maverick.
Ball and chain is entirely different matter. Somehow it eluded me since "bali" pointed me in the wrong direction of jewellery (my wife has a Bali chain). Now both the phrase and the meaning, on which I completely agree with mg, make sense.
I have found this expression in a book:Slangman 3.It was used there as a synonym of another expression,namely:to get hitched.Yet,I couldn't find the exact Polish translation.Thus I have asked you for help.
Best regards,Hanka.
Now,m that's entirely different: get hitched = get married
tu pewno nie chodzi o snap on sb, ale snap on/off więc zapiąć no i ta kula u nogi :) tylko dlaczego jest stara? :) :)
bo jak stara to brzydka i pomarszczona i napewno już się znudziła,
no w każdym razie posiadacz (nieszczęśnik we własnym mniemaniu) bardzo już pragnie zmienić na nowszy model.
to mg:rnYes,I know that to get hitched means to get married.However,as I wrote before I couldn't find the meaning of "to snap on the old bali and chain" anywhere.Moreover,English explanations of any expression may be somewhat different.Greetings.Hanka.
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