few or a few minutes

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
jak jest poprawnie powiedziec ze cos sie stalo w kilka minut
wiem, ze 'a few' znaczy kilka
a 'few' malo ale widzialem w slowniku 'past/next few days'
i nie jestem pewny
within a few minutes
czy tak samo dobrze jest powiedzic in a few minutes
np It went under in a few minutes
czy tez within jest tylko akceptowalne ?
No, I wouldn't say that.

in a few minutes - za parę minut
I think, the ship will go under in a few minutes :)
or go down :)
or sink :)
>I think, the ship will go under in a few minutes :)

a czemu przecinek?
sorry nalecialosc z innego jezyka :)
In the past: it went under within a few minutes
In the future: it'll go under in a few minutes

Is that it ?
Not necessarily.
One could say "the ship will go under within a few minutes".

Po prostu 'in' == 'za' (jesli chodzi o przyszlosc), a 'within' == 'w ciagu'.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia

