Cytat: fui_eu
Tu, osoba ktora spowoduje wypadek placi deductible, ponosi wyzsze stawki ubezpieczeniowe i akumuluje punkty karne , wciaz otrzymuje odszkodowanie.
The terms may be different but it works on the same principle everywhere if you’re fully covered.
The higher the deductible the lower your annual premium and the other way round but the former can be risky if you’re a high risk driver and speed like crazy doing stunts ‘ boy, was I honking .. and oops ..bump ..and here’s an ugly smash-up. Insurance shysters will squeeze you dry.
Tea-drinking sharks call it ‘excess’ I guess. In Poland it’s called ‘udzial wlasny’ ?
In Russia.. hmm.. they all pack there, there’s a slim chance for you to get the driver’s details but rather hear an ak-47 cocking behind a tinted black SUV’s window.