
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Cześć. Mam za zadane napisać opowiadanie na przykładzie tego:

It was late at night. Sophie was sleeping. Yellow light shone into her bedroom from street lamp outside the window, but there was no sound of traffic. Everything was quiet. Suddenly there was a low rumbling noise and Shophie's bed rocked gently. Shophie woke up, looked at the cailing and saw that her bedroom light was swinging. She sat up and looked around. She didn't know what was happening. Then there was another rumbling noise. The bed shook so violently that Sophie fell into the floor. She felt the floor moving under her. It was as if the whole house was jumping and down. Siphie was very frightened, but she knew what to do. She quickly rolled under her bed. The room still shaking. One og Sophie's pictures fell off the wall and it smashed loudly. Sophie screamed. Then she heard her father shouting her name. He was trying open her bedroom door, but the door was stuck. Sophie screamed again and started to cry. It was just then the shaking sttoped and her father burst throught the door. "Its OK, Shophie" he said. "You're safe now". Sophie and her parents went outside. All their neighbours were standing in the street. Everyone was scared, but they all felt happy to be alive. Sophie's dad hugged her and said. "You're a brave girl, Sophie. Im very proud of you."

Oraz planu:
set the scene [who, where, when and what]
develop the story [ describle what happened, put events in the order they happened]
end the story and say how the people felt

Więc udało mi się napisać coś takie. Proszę o sprawdzenie tego oraz ewentualne poprawki.

Hermiona was reading book. Sun was shining and birds were singing. Park was lot of the people. Children were playing games. Older ones were sitting on the grass and talking. Suddenly it became cloud. Wind started to blew and birds ended sing. Hermiona looked up and got goosebumps. Big cyclone coming toward the park. Everybody started scream and run away. Bicycles, trees, animals, trash bins and other things swirled in the air sucked in by a tornado. For a moment she didn’t knew what to do, but some buy shouted to her "Run away! Fast!”. Hermiona quickly put the book, blanket, tea in the thermos backpack and ran to his bike pinned to the nearest tree. She looked for the keys in their pockets to open a padlock. When she found it she opened the padlock and rode bicycle to home. She was very scared. In home her husband couldn’t believe that she returned safe. Hermiona knew that is a luckly.
Pomoże mi ktoś z tym? Byłbym bardzo wdzięczny.

Hermiona was reading [przedimek] book. [przedimek] Sun was shining and birds were singing. [zrobi to zdanie z konstrukcja there is/are] Park was lot of the people. [Some] children were playing games. Older ones were sitting on the grass and talking. Suddenly it became cloud [could to rzeczonik, ktory powinienes zamienic na przymiotnik]. [przedimek] Wind started to blew [zla forma czasownika, powinien byc bezokolicznik a nie czas przeszly] and birds ended sing [moze zamiast end uzyj stop i sprawdz w sloniku jaka forma czasownika sing powinna byc uzyta po stop]. Hermiona looked up and got goosebumps. [przedimek] Big cyclone [brakuje slowa w tym miejscu] coming toward the park. Everybody started [sprawdz w slowniku (np http://www.ldoceonline.com/) jaka forma czasownika jest uzywanat po start] scream and run away. Bicycles, trees, animals, trash bins and other things swirled in [into?] the air sucked in by a [zly przedimek] tornado. For a moment she didn’t knew [zla forma czas.] what to do, but some buy [guy?] shouted to her "Run away! Fast!”. Hermiona quickly put the book, blanket, tea in the thermos backpack [hm, to dosyc zabawnie wyszlo: z jednej strony tornado a tutaj ona jeszcze kocyk sklada, i jeszcze cos ze skladnia jest chyba nie tak w tym zdaniu] and ran to his [to byl jej czy jego rower?] bike pinned [pinned to nie najlepsze slowo] to the nearest tree. She looked for the keys in their [znaczy sprawdzala swoej kieszenie i jeszcze cudze?] pockets to open a [zly przedimek, tu jest okreslony padlock] padlock. When she found it [it=padlock?] she opened the padlock and rode [przedimek] bicycle to [bez to] home. She was very scared. In [at zamiast in]home her husband couldn’t believe that she returned safe [adverb tu powinien byc a nie przymiotnik]. Hermiona knew that is [ brakuje podmiotu: knew thas SHE, a potem jest nastepstwo czasow czy cos takiego, wiec is powinno byc w czasie past simple] a luckly [lucky].
Dzięki za pomoc.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie